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The plane had just landed in the wide asphalt landing zone. After some time, the door opens and gives a staircase for passengers to get out of the plane where they spent seven hours of their life traveling abroad from America to Europe, from New York to London. The jet lag already makes people yawn and show the tiredness of the trip. Some kids were just playing around, with that typical energy of the childhood. The more curious ones would look around and see the grey clouds that wouldn't let the sunlight brighten the sky. The common question was "where are we?" as if a name would clarify their naive young minds. This one man didn't take the time to breathe the British air. He went straight to the customs, where he signed some papers and grabbed his bags. Stepping outside, finally a free man of paperwork and typical procedures of getting to a new country, he takes a deep breath and looks around, enjoying the view and the fresh air. He spots a group of familiar faces to who he goes towards, in a fast pace that would express his excitement and how he missed their company.

"Long time no see, Seungmin." Yejun said as he opens his arms to greet his friend.

"You've gotten old, Yejun." Seungmin plays with him, finally hugging him after so long.

"And you've gotten fat." Jisung picks up on his returned friend, who glanced him with fire in his eyes.

"Hasn't a creature eaten you already?" Seungmin rhetorically asks.

"I've been here to save his ass many times." Hyunjin steps up, which was rather ironic from the man who is always putting themselves in trouble.

Seungmin shakes his head with a small laugh and greets all his friends, who bothered to meet him at the airport. The six of them have been talking for a while until you hear footsteps behind the group, everyone looks back, except Seungmin.

"Well, if it's not my new teammate," The voice behind Seungmin makes itself heard and the boy smiles, turning back, "Welcome back, Seungmin." Seungmin gives Minho a hug and they stay there half a year until Seungmin starts complaining and demanding his own space.

The boys started to laugh about Seungmin reaction, he never changes. Seungmin picked his bags from the floor and they started to leave the airport. The boy was going to stay at Chan, until he finds a place to live. The group was reunited, but there were people missing like Felix and Changbin.

"Where's Felix and Changbin?" Minho asks getting Chan and Jeongin's attention, Yejun and Seungmin looked at each other noticing that no one talked about them yet.

"They are at the hospital," Jisung replies leaving his friends confused. 

"What happened?" Yejun asks worriedly about his friends missing.

Chan sighs and looks at his friends, "They are fine, they went there to check Draco." What their ex-leader said just let the boys even more confused, so in their way to go to Chan's house to Seungmin leave his bags and then they could go eat something, Chan and Jeongin explained everything that happened lately. He even explains his theory about Ella's boyfriend, which caught the attention of Jeongin, who starts to hear closely to the theory. 

"All of the evidence points out to the Death Eaters still being active and Tom being one of them." Chan finishes his conspiracy theory with a pretty firm state, "Now me and Felix have to pay more attention to him and what he does."

"I can do that." Jeongin quickly offers himself for the job, making everyone confused since Jeongin was always the crybaby of the group and never got into anything shady like this.

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