A Facility

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"So what do you see?"Luna asked sitting upright in a chair "umm" Rossiere said huddled in the corner voice muffled in his knees. "Rossy make an effort you have to atleast let me document you" Luna said setting her clipboard down on a nearby table "just document that I can't hold a conversation nor can I see straight my head is..." he trailed off mumbling unintelligible nonsene. Luna just sat back and listened though not like he could help it he is literally insane.

Luna lifted the clipboard re-reading the words in bold text

first name-Rossiere

Last name-???? (says he can't remember)

Eye Color-one navy blue, the other bronze (heterochromia)

Height- 6' 8"

Weight-220 lbs


apperance-light pink curls (left) the other half is shaved he has really dark bags under his eyes and the brightest veins coursing through both of the eyes due to his sleep deprivation, he breathes heavily and doesn't really process much emotion

Mental illness-Schizophrenia

Occupation-We found him crying near the building claimed that he seen colors claimed that he needed to find someone but then slurred nonsense.

Luna Documenting-He has proved to be very unresponsive he can't hold a conversation and doesn't really respond to much that I say.

Luna sighed rubbing her temples would it be bad to consider him a lost cause? Suddenly the man spoke up "You think you can help me recover the memeories?" She glanced over at the man before giving him a stern "hmmm?" he pressed his finger to his head "my memories everything is hazy, but I can see you through it your Luna the nice nurse" Luna smiled gently at the man Rossiere doubled back into the padded wall in shock it slipped Luna's mind that he doesn't understand complex emotions like most humans. "Rossiere" the man trembled slightly scratching at his face which Luna seen him do very often she just watched eagerly he mumbled indistinctly under his breath even his eyes seemed to jump at the slightest movement of his own limbs "what do you see Rossy?" she eased onto the plush floor alongside the older male who was sitting in the corner he continued mumbling faster now his eyes wide and sweat started to appear on his forehead.

"NO! Please don't" the mans eyes filled with tears and he stared at the other side of the room "Rossiere!" "NO NO NO!" the man filled the room with his loud yells pleading for something not to get him "ROSSIERE!" Luna called once again he continued screaming the tears streaming down his cheeks Luna suddenly grabbed his face her long purple nails rubbing over his skin as her hands carefully carresed his cheeks. The man looked at her with frightened wide eyes which were still filled with tears from his recent delusion his breathing suddenly started to calm down but that didn't take the ease off a bit. "Whatever you saw doesn't exist the only thing in here is me Luna the nice nurse" "but it, it, it," the man jumped back from her grasp and into the corner again no longer close to her and he started to hyperventilate. "Rossiere, you must breathe" Luna said standing up to look at the man he looked up at her with his heavy sleep deprived eyes a shocked look on his face Luna looked at the watch bound around her wrist My shift ended two hours ago.

Luna retreated to the table and picked up her clipboard "Luna?" She turned toward the man who just tugged at her over coat she looked back at him annoyedly but tried to avoid that emotion from filtering into her expression she just looked at him longly like how a parent looks at a toddler who just broke a glass. The man raised his eyebrows and with his unmatching eyes Luna juggled her glance between the both of them unsure of which to look at. Suddenly he closed his brown eye and cocked his head to side animalisticly the piercing look of his blue eye seemed to stab her it was striking but atleast now she could refocus her own eyes. "So your leaving again aren't you?" The man said dejectedly slowly opening his eye to look up at her from his place on the floor.

"yes, you strawberry" Luna said with a light smile that made her eyes crinkle up and she ruffled his hair his condition always made Luna consider him a lot younger than he actually was since he had the heart and soul of a little boy who's mother was leaving him and he feared monsters were in the closet but... in reality he's 28 older than her and has Schizophrenia which makes him hallucinate the 'monsters' definetly not the same analogy. Luna then start to unhinge the several large locks in the door they all clicked in a timely manner and Rossiere continued to stare at the back of her head hair tussled from her ruffling and eyes full of lonlieness and sleep deprivation she opened the door after tussling with the master lock and then looked at the man once more "goodnight Rossy" he slumped over on the floor "no such thing" Luna didn't respond to that she had nothing else to say no way to put him at ease so he'd finally sleep no way to truly help him.

She closed the door it squealed in aggravation but then finally clicked into place Luna locked the master lock and started to turn the other way but then stopped herself mid-step and she peered into the padded room again to see Rossiere, yet again with his stressed face fighting his sleep or by the looks of it his sleep fighting him his hands were caught in his short pink curls and hot tears streamed down his face at an alarming rate and he seemed caught in a silent scream Luna suddenly felt a twinge of guilt not something she felt often but Rossiere had been her patient for three years now. Their conversations were strange and always left unfinished never really tied up he never got too personal when it comes to talking but he's really an open book anyways. Luna closed the panel on the door and procceeded to exit the facility knowing she'd be right back tommorow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2019 ⏰

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