Chapter Three

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We walked into the crowded house but this house was a different one. I sighed not wanting to walk around alone. I want Colby to be here. I walk around but there's no sign of Colby. I walk back into a crowded room and someone grabs my wrist and spins me around to face them.

"Excuse me?" I said pulling my wrist away.

"Let's dance." The guy said.

"No." I said. He grabbed my waist and gripped it tightly.

"I said let's dance."

"I said no. Get the Fuck off me." I punched him and he let go to grab his face. I quickly walked outside and sat in my car. I lock the car and sigh. I lay my head back against the seat sn lay it back. I just lay there and decided to just stay there until Hailey comes out. I turn on the radio and soon I fall asleep.

I jump up to the sound of my phone ringing I grab it and answer it.

"Hello?" My raspy voice says.

"Where are you?" I heard Colbys voice say.

"Uh, in my car, at a party." I said.

"Ohhhhh, I wanna see youuuuu."

"Are you drunk Colby?" I asked laughing. I set my seat up and put my phone on speaker and message Hailey.


Me: Let's go, I'm gonna leave you. You have 5 minutes.

"He is!" I hear someone yell from the background.

"Shut up, Griffen!" Colby says and I laugh.

"I'll think about it." I said.

"Apartment 217." He said and no I nodded.

"Okay, I'll think about it." I said as the car door opened. Hailey climbed in and sighed. I started the car.

"Yay! Byeeeee!"

"Bye" I said laughing then I hang up.




"Don't throw up in my car." I said driving to the apartment complex.

I knock on 217 after making sure Hailey was asleep and the door opens. I look to see that Sam opened the door. He let me in and I saw Colby on the couch talking to another guy and Jake was sitting on the floor with some random ass glasses on.

"Natalie!" Colby yelled. I walked over and Sam, sat next to Jake on the floor. I sat on the counter and set my phone down next to me.

"I'm Griffen." The boy sitting next to Colby said and I waved.

"Natalie." I said.

"We've been hearing a lot about you." Griffen said and Colby Shushed him.

"Oh really? I hope all good things." I said.

"Of course." Jake said and Sam nodded. Colby blushed and I blushed a little too.

"So, why is there a popped Ballon and a cut out of Colby right there?" I asked and Jake answered.

"This is my apartment btw. We had a fake birthday party for Colby for a video."

"Youtube?" I asked

"Yep." Sam said and I nodded.

"Are you drunk?" Colby asked me and I shook my head.

"You went to a party but didn't drink?"

"Nope." I said and they all looked at me weird. I shrugged it off and we all just walked about random shit until I had to walk Colby to his apartment. I walked back to mine and locked the door. I walked into the bathroom and took a shower. I wrapped my towel around y body, went to my room put a sorts bra, under wear and sport shorts. I brushed my teeth, hair then climbed into bed. I plugged my phone in and saw that I was 3 am. I groaned, rolled over and tried to fall asleep.

"Natalie! I'm going out! I'll lock the door!" I heard Hailey yell. I heard the door closed and I rolled over to see that it was past noon. I groan and my phone chimed.

You awake?

Hailey just woke me up. Whats up?

What are you doing tonight?

Uh nothing, what's up?

Just be ready by 5, dress normal

Are you asking me on a date?

Maybe 😊

Alright I'll be ready

I lock my phone and get out of bed. I change into a black top and black skinny jeans. I fix my hair and do a little bit of makeup and look to see its 1:48 I still have like 3 hours. I walk into the livingroom, grab a soda and a snack. I go back to my room and watch TV until 4:20. I get up throw my trash away, make sure I look alright and walk to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and then go to put my shoes on. I hear a nock on my door and I see that it's 4:56. I quickly put perfume on, grab my side purse and phone. I rush to the door and open it.

Colbys wearing a black shirt, black pants and chains on them. He has is everyday rings on and I grab my keys off the counter, walk out, shut the door and lock it.

"You look nice" He said.

"Thanks, you do too." I said as we walk down the stairs.

"So uh, how's your apartment?"

"It's nice, I miss my sister but I mean, I like it here."

"That's great."

"Yep." I said kicking a rock as we walked.

"You know how people say trust the universe?" I ask as we walk past a little play ground. It's empty because it's late and kids have school tomorrow.

"Yeah, do you?"

"Actually no." I said looking up at him. "The universe can screw you over in a heart beat."

"How's that?"

"So say you have a special somone, the universe could make them leave, leave this world, the universe could do anything. The universe isn't always to be trustable." I said sn he nodded.

"That's true."

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