On the Way ❤

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XxshavonnexX wanted some Mpreg.


Eddie woke with a groan sitting up stretching his back out. His stomach heavy large and round. He was currently eight months pregnant. How he got pregnant? Ask his loving symbiote husband.

Earlier that year Eddie had taken a liking to the thought of being a father. Venom, being who he is, took the chance to change up their lives. The duo had thought long about it. They were ready for a big change and this was it. So Venom did some alien shit and Eddie was with child a week later.

This had been the hardest months for Eddie. The baby would kick move and twitch all night long. He was in agony and constantly vomiting. He was happy that he and Venom were going to be a family, but that didn't stop his from being miserable.

"Venom... " Eddie said, seconds later the symbiote appeared eager to know what his husband needed.

"Yes Eddie?" He asked sliding a hand to the smaller back. Eddie leaned into the touch with another groan.

"I want foooood.. " He whined. Venom chuckled before going off to find a suitable am out of food.

He returned with a plate of pancakes and some eggs. Eddie smiled a little more awake then dug into the food. Venom just watched him lovingly. Oh how he adored this man. Venom wrapped his arms around the stomach where new family layed.

After Eddie finished they decided to go grocery shopping. Venom had to go back in Eddie as not to alarm the others among them. Of course they still got weird looks because Eddie was a pregnant man walking around. That didn't bother him, he knew the only judgement that mattered was Venoms.

When the two arrived at the store Venom spouted a few things they need, mostly food. So, Eddie waddeled around the store looking for the things Venom and him wanted.

Eddie had been in a daze since he had woken up so this was a task for him. Then suddenly and harshly the baby kicked. But this was no kick it felt different.

Eddie gasped and clutched his belly, dropping what he was holding.

Eddie? Are you alright?

The people around the pair looked at him in shock. Another sharp pain ran through Eddie and he fell to the ground. Now some people were gathered around him asking if he was ok.

His mind was running a mile a minute. The pain kept on raking through him.


That voice stopped his thinking and he was finally listening to the people around him.  People's stares soaking in.

"Sir are you ok?" A woman asked him.

"U-um no. I think my baby is coming but it's t-to soon." Eddie said before another contraction hit and he again clutched his stomach.

"It's alright dear here hold my hand." By now Eddie had tears rolling down his cheeks rapidly.

"Someone call 911!! Someone's having a baby." He heard someone yell fear settling in.

Now there was a crowed around him. He felt venom wrap around his other hand, the one on his stomach. Eddie was shaking bit knowing what to do. Was he in labor? Was that baby okay?

Then he felt a warm rush of liquid. Eddie full on panicked. He looked over to the lady that was helping him with wide eyes.

"I think my water just broke.... " He whispered. She gripped his hand a little tighter.

"It's ok that means you're having a baby today." She smiled at him. The crowed around the genuinely look concerned for the man.

Another contraction went through him and he squeezed the hand Venom held. Eddie was still panicking but now so was Venom. He could help him at this time and he felt useless. Imagine that, being gully in reach to help but not close enough.

We're ok my love we can do this. Together.

Eddie calmed slightly knowing Venom would always be there to protect him. The ambulance soon arrived and Eddie was rushed off.

Their baby was definitely on its way.

A few weeks had passed and the couple were proud parents of twins. Eddie ended up going through 17 hours of labour and a C-section. Painful is the only word he can use to describe it. Venom had to sit though all of it. Even the doctors and nurses felt bad for him.

It was all worth it. Venom was beyond extatic to be a father and so was Eddie. Though he would never ever go through that again... Ever. They are going to be great parents.

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