Too Loud ❤

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Part three to the thing.

It's been a week since Eddie had been dragged from his home to do test on his lover. Eddie was now growing tired of people asking about Venom, yes he loved him but everyone was interested in the creature living inside of him. And the worst part was no one in the tower knew if then being a couple and not just a compatible symbiosis.

That Sunday Eddie was told to go down the lab at an early am. There he met Tony who was busy tinkering away at something. It was so early that Venom wasn't even functioning.

"Tony, what do you need at this hour?" Eddie asked his voice dripping in drowsy. Tony just smiled grabbing Eddie by the sleeve of the shirt he was wearing. Though he quickly regreted it as Venom yanked the two back.

"Right sorry, I would like to test something." Eddie just stared at him with such hate.

"No shit." Eddie barked slumping into a near chair. He watched as Tony scrambled to the other side if the lab.

He was talking to Eddie but he wasn't listening. There was something else he wanted to listen to.

I love you.

Eddie nodded feeling tendrils formed into a hand holding his.

I wish we could go home. Venom stated getting a Huff of aggrement form the younger. Tony's head popped up in confusion before remember and going back to what he was doing.

After a few minutes of Venom and Eddie talking Tony shouted an 'Aha!' As he found what he was looking for, startling poor Eddie.

"I found it. Ok, so, here i'm going to press this and it will admit a noise. Tell me if you can hear it." Tony explained. Eddie nodded still a bit out of it.

"Just as long as it not ove-" Eddie was cut of as Tony hit the button and the noise shot through him, pulling Venom from him harshly. He was litterly being riped in two.

It really felt like he was being ripped open. He screamed loudly as Tony frantically tried to turn it off. Venom was in much more pain as he struggled to stay with Eddie. Then like that the noise was gone and Eddie was panting on the floor trying his best not to pass out.

He felt like he was going to puke. Soon Venom filled his thoughts and he started to panic.

"V are you ok!?" Eddie asked feverish. He didn't get a response and asked again.

Yes. I'm alright. Venom choked out weakly. Eddie sighed on relief looking up to find other members of the tower in the room.

Questions came flooding, Eddie wasn't having it, I mean neither was Venom.

"It's fine, nothing bad really happened just a lot of pain and we don't trust Tony. " Eddie stated Going back to talking with Venom.

He just wanted to go back to their room for cuddles but then more questions from them. Tony was just sitting pale in the face at what he had done accidentally. Peter stood next to him patting his shoulder. Steve apologized to Eddie as Tony gave then a look of sorrow. They forgave him, they know he didn't mean it.

Can I come out. I want to see your face. Venom asked shyly. Eddie nodded and soon was met with his lovers face. Some around them looked on in shock as the two talked. Then eveyone in the room filled with shock as venom uttered three words.

"I love you. "

Eddie smiled running a hand down the face in front of him. He then was quickly brought to the realization that everyone just heard that.

"Shit." Eddie choked out. "We have to go. " Eddie ran past them, already hearing the question amongst each other.

They were too loud for him.

The rest of the day they were left alone except for Peter bringing them food and talking for a bit.

When Peter left again venom emerged fully taking Eddie in his arms who gladly snuggled up to him. Eddie pressed kisses to venoms jaw line as the got more comfy. He knew some of the other members would think their live was weird but who's isn't. He was happy to be in the arms of the one he loved.

As the sunset Venom pushed Eddie up to go take a shower.

"Are you going back or staying with me?" His question was answered as Venom removed his clothes.

Eddie turned the water on and waited for it to warm up before they steped in. The water flowed over them gracefully. Venom pulled Eddie close so he was leaning against his chest. Eddies eyes we're half lidded, he smiled before begining to wash himself. Water dripped from his eyelashes and suds from the soap littered his body and just badly cover bite marks that covered his body from other activities.

Venom helped him rinse off and they stepped out together Eddie wrapped his  towel over his chest to cover everything. He knew it was girly but he liked it. Venom really didn't need a towel and just waited for Eddie to dress. When he was done he was clothed in an over sized sweater and soft pants. Eddie climbed into the shared bed, shortly after being joined by his foreign lover.

The rest of the night was calm and peaceful. The two whispered sweet nothing to each other ,make one another laugh, and love bloomed.

God they were so cute together.

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