Namseok-Sunshine pt.2

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In which Hoseok makes it clear that he's going to win Namjoon___

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In which Hoseok makes it clear that he's going to win Namjoon

"That's a bet baby boy"

Hobi smirked as flashbacks of  last nights events flooded his head

He wants that cute little stubborn boy as his.

He'd been watching the boy from afar for quite a while, and by that he means months.

The boy is simply beautiful in every way.

In every aspect, which made the male's want for the beautiful boy grow even stronger.

He knows that he can break down that little tough act and have him be the baby that he is.

Hobi's smirk grows wider as he thinks about what he's going to do to the boy

"I'll see you tonight my baby boy."


Hobi walked into the club with that cocky ass smirk across his face as he looks around for the sassy, cute boy

He grinned as he walked towards the boy who was cleaning shot glasses behind the bar

He approached the unsuspecting male with a small smile upon his lips, '' Hey cutie, did you miss me?"

Joon looked at the boy with a small smirk, scoffing at the cockiness of the comment," Hmm you came back."

"Yea baby, I'm back. When's your break?"

" Mm in about 10 minutes."

"Well I'll be right over there, so you better come by with a strawberry cocktail, or I'll be very upset."

Joon nodded, trying to keep his composure at the dark tone

Joon flushed as he watched the flirtatious male walk away, startled at how fast his mood changed


After his break was over Joon made Hobi's drink as quickly as he could, knowing that he was running a bit late

He walked over to Hobi's private section, trying not to trip over his own two feet as he quickly walked 

He gulped as he saw the hungry look on Hobi's face as he brought him his drink, "U-um here you go."

He flushed as he handed the drink to him, flushing more as their hands lightly brushed against each other

" You're late baby. Why is that?"

" U-um I-"

" Come closer I can't hear you over all this music"

Joon slowly stepped forward  until he was standing right in front of him

" I... a-ah," Joon gasped as Hobi rapidly snaked his arms around Joon's waist and pulled him down onto his lap

Joon squirmed in his lap, causing Hobi to groan softly, " Stay still."

Joon just continued to wiggle around and struggle, trying to release himself from the strong grip, "L-let me the fuck go"

Hobi slapped Joon's thigh roughly , causing the boy to squeak, " Don't speak to me like that. I said stay still. Now, continue your explanation

" W-well I had to clean up a big mess that someone made, and it t-took me a long time, s-so I ended up being a little late here"

"Hmm, sounds legit. I'll let you go for now. Go ahead and do your job."


After Joon's shift was over, he called his friend to come pick him up, but ended up having to walk home because his friend was stuck at work

Although he didn't mind walking because he loved the scenery, he still thought being in a car would be much more comfortable at the moment

Joon walked down the streets of Seoul with a small smile on his face, loving how peaceful the atmosphere was, not knowing that someone was watching him from afar


Joon let out a small squeal of excitement as he saw his rather large house close by

The dimpled boy made his way down the sidewalk and eventually into his home, not noticing the unfamiliar expensive black car right across from his house


The man with the heart shaped smile, grinned fondly as he watched the beautiful boy make his way into his house, " Did you install all the cameras hyung?" 

Yoongi shook his head lightly with a chuckle, "Yea, you're quite obsessed with that boy aren't you?"

Hobi shook his head rapidly," N-not obsessed"

Hobi smirked as thoughts of the boy flooded his mind once again, causing him to darkly chuckle out, " Ok, maybe a little."

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