Step Brothers- Namkook

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In which Jungkook loves his brother a little

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In which Jungkook loves his brother a little... too much

Kook and Joon have a pretty good relationship, both relating on the fact that they were raised by single parents, so when their parents got married it was like destiny

They've been step brothers for 3 years now, growing closer everyday

They would do regular brotherly things, handshakes, hanging out, and friendly hugs

But lately those hugs have been...different

At first Joon didn't notice how those hugs got longer, firmer, and how his younger brother would place his strong hands on his waist, pulling him closer

Now he does notice all these things, and how different Kook has been acting, and today was the day he was gonna confront him about it


Today the two boys would have the house to themselves, due to their parents having an important meeting to attend to

Joon groaned as Kook left his clothes all over the floor for the thousandth time

The boy ran upstairs, clothes in his hand, and barged into the younger boy's room, "Kookie! I already told you to stop leaving your clothes everywhere!"

Kook looked up at his hyung, rolling his eyes, "Who told you that you could come in?"

Joon glared at Kook, pouting lightly, " Kookie why are you so mean to me lately? I didn't do anything! Y-you keep avoiding me! Hmph!"


Joon snapped, as he got nothing but a glare from Kook, "Fuck you then!"

And with that Joon left, but not without throwing all the clothes on the Kook's floor, and slamming the door behind him

Kook smirked softly, "Aww he's so cute when he's mad, that adorable little pout. Aish you're killing me hyung."


Later on Joon calmed down, not being able to stay mad at Kook

He had just finished doing the laundry, so he brought Kook's clothes up to his room, making sure to knock first

After hearing a soft, "Come in." He entered the room, "I brought your clothes Kookie."

Kook stood up, walking towards his hyung, standing as close to him as possible, "Thanks hyung," Kook said as he looked straight into Joon's eyes, hiding his smirk as he saw a faint blush on Joon's cheeks, "No problem Kookie."

Joon walked out, closing the door, with a cute, "Bye bye Kookie!"


Joon sat on his bed, texting his bestie Yoongi, in Kook's shirt, which loosely hung off his body due to his smaller build

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