nobody gotta know

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you and daniel have been together for a year and today, daniel wanted to take you somewhere special for your anniversary.

"you should come with me tonight," he said.

daniel is always full of surprises, coming up with the cutest and grandest of gestures.

and you're constantly reminding him that he doesn't need to do so much for you but he insists that spoiling you is his favorite hobby.

his car pulls up on your driveway and he comes out with a rose bouquet in hand.

he walks over to your porch where you stand, beaming and shaking your head.

how lucky you are to be with someone this charming.

"for my precious flower," he smiles and leans down for a kiss.

your arms wrap around his neck, "i'm never going to stop getting butterflies for you, seavey."

"happy anniversary, beautiful."


an hour later, daniel parks his car on the top of a hillside, overlooking your entire town.

"just in time before sunset," he says.

you look out the window in awe of the view. all the tall buildings in your city don't look quite as tall anymore. the few clouds in the sky suddenly feel so close, within your reach.

how have you lived here your whole life but not know about this place?

"daniel, this is... wow," you tell daniel as he opens the roof of the car and helps you climb through it.

"beautiful, isn't it? one of the best hidden gems of the city."

with his arms wrapped around your waist as you lean back against his chest, his heartbeat is the only thing you listen to. the two of you sit on daniel's car in silence, taking in the serenity of it all.

it's nice to spend some time away from the city's constant commotions and uproars.

you cherish days like these since you and daniel are always busy with your tight schedules.

but in this moment, it seems as if you two are the only people in the world. without the chaos and the rush of time and the demands of life.

every second, the horizon changes the color of the sky as the sun dips itself further into the sea.

from a sparkling golden yellow to a tropical orange-red to the prettiest peachy pink.

you turn to look at him and kiss his cheek. "thank you. for taking me here. for everything."

he hugs you tighter, "i go here when i want to get away from everything. when life seems like it's spiraling out of my control, you know, with the press and the fans and just the industry in general, i come here to clear my mind. it's been my secret hiding place."

he looks down at you, tilts your chin up to meet his eyes gleaming brighter than ever against the sunset, and strokes your cheek, "but if there's anyone i'd want to share this place with, it's you, y/n."

and then you kiss him before you could start crying.

a kiss so passionate your stomach goes crazy as if his words weren't enough to make you melt.

he immediately kisses you back like it's second nature, as if it's all you two know how to do.

your body ignites under his touch, and he holds you in a way that makes you feel so safe and secure, so loved.

a disruptive honk goes off and you break away from the kiss to see where it came from.

"shit," a startled daniel mutters under his breath, regaining his balance.

a truck with a group of young teens sitting in the cargo bed drives past, all hollering, "GET A ROOM!"

then ever so swiftly, daniel lifts his middle finger towards the truck and grabs your waist to kiss you once more.

you feel the vibrance of his laugh against your lips, smiling uncontrollably.

you're so lost in his arms that you drown out the sound of the truck driving off, carrying the teens away with it.

and you focus on nothing but him. his presence, his being, his love.

the two of you are constantly being tested by the waters. you think about how being with him has brought this baggage of hate and pressure from his fans and the management. you've dealt with rumors, invasion of privacy, and so much more.

but at this moment, you know that it's all worth it and it always will be. because here you are, the two of you, on top of the world, alone and happy.

at the end of the day, you two fought through it all. together. arm in arm.

the kiss ends but he doesn't let go of you, pulling you in even closer.

"our secret getaway is right here," his voice raspy and deep. "nobody's got to know."

daniel seavey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now