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"Come on Ahin-Unnie... Why are you always so slow!"
Nancy complained while pulling on ahins sweater sleave.

"NanNan I'm just tired."


Nancy let out a loud groan as she dragged the complaining Ahin into the small coffee shop.

"I don't see why we had to go to a coffee shop when I have a coffee maker at ho---"
Ahin stopped halfway through her sentence as she looked at the barista serving a young man his coffee.
Yes she found it cheesy but her mouth literally dropped a little bit.

"Earth to Unnie, you done being gay?"

Ahin shot Nancy a death glare before walking to join the kinda long line to order her coffee.

"Ahin-Unnie what do you want, except a hot piece off ass like that barista."
Nancy laughed clearly annoying her elder.

Ahin smacked Nancy on the back off the head with one swift motion.

Nancy pouted and stood by her Unnies side.
"So Ahinpanman what you ordering? I think I want something sweet but not too sweet, but then again not to sweet but not bland or I could get something sweet but kinda savory."

"Nancy your spiraling, and I told you to stop calling me a name based on a kpop song.. But if it will shut you up I want a black coffee."
Ahin said well more like spat at the younger.

"Next!" said a voice that was sweet as honey.

Ahin felt the little gay girl in her let out a squeel.

"so guys what do you want." The barista said sweetly.

"I'll have a Carmal Frappe and she will have your number."

"Nancy!" Ahin whisper yelled at the younger who was smiling proudly.

"I can get you both of those, haha, you seem sweet."

"I know I am." Nancy said while giggling along with the barista...

"Well could I get a black coffee..." Ahin whispered while covering her now red face.

The barista turned around with two cups and a pen and paper.

"here you go that's £4.35." The barista smiled a warm smile.

Nancy handed over the money as the barista wrote something down.

"And this is for you."

Ahin looked at the piece of paper handed to her.

07 3268 104637
Lets hang out sometime, text me <3

Baby? - Jahin (Momoland) Where stories live. Discover now