Chapter 1 - A disaster in the daylight

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Breathe the air, you will hallucinate,

Feel yourself and you will feel nothing

Notice the surrounding, You will be lost,

Look at someone, you will find yourself,

Take a pause look at yourself

and here you will find someone else 

Life could be a philosophical mystery or it could also be an adventurous journey.                          The perspective matter and what matters more is the attitude mixed with patience.

Sometimes a portion of darkness can persist forever without fading and many times a sight of light can emerge in the deep phase of darkness.Days go on as usual. People come and after sometime they leave. Does anyone wonder What are the extreme possibilities of  events that are possible in one's life? 

Maybe no. Probably if we did , we wouldn't be living our life. Instead,  We would be long dead before we could imagine. Miracles and disasters they coexist  in both hands.

Notice... when the pendulum swings and the time changes. You never know what will happen once the pendulum completes it cycle.

It was an ordinary day. Children going to school, Buses were stopping at bus stops . People as usual pushing each other and rushing into the only means of transport available.

 People fighting to work . Well that's pretty sarcastic yet , it happens.

I was one those people who hunted down great opportunities like a raptor from Jurassic Park.In my workplace I use to take a break after every two hours. I preferred staying inside the office premises during the break time.

I never understood why people liked going out to have their usual  refreshments like tea, mouth fresheners, snacks, cigarettes etc. 

I had a kind of strange obsession for dark places. I always preferred having such things inside the building. Luckily this shopkeeper opened up a small stall that too in the second basement .What a pathetic business strategy for a minor shopkeeper?

Tea Stall Guy," Sir, your tea is ready."

I took a slight taste of it .What a sip it was. I will never forget that .Not because the tea was delicious as this would have made the Tea Stall Guy applying for reality shows. Forgetting that warm sip was impossible because after that slurp everything changed.

I drank tea and held my cigarette. Oh Yes, I forgot to introduce myself. 

Hi all, my name is Damilion Ottomar . By birth, I happen to be from Haiti but due to some reasons associated with my job I move around here and there a lot . I am in field of mechanics, I am not a mechanic but a consultant who deals with technical superficiality associated with fields of mechatronics. Lastly and most importantly even though Smoking is injurious to health. I am a renowned chain smoker who consumes  every puff of his cigarette with honor.

So it was a Friday. No one works on that day because the day is too cheesy. So that day, I picked my cigarette , I lighted it up. The next minute ,  I was tossed to ground after an ear bursting sound.I was down on the ground and the cigarette was still burning in between my two fingers. Before I could figure out much, I realised that there is a boulder of column on my right and the remains of cigarette stall on my back. I looked around , I could see nothing except for dust particles and could hear nothing except a deep long Beep sound. 

I tried to move myself but I was covered entirely in dust and cement particles from the remains. The shopkeeper was submerged in the dust too but I  Thank God both of us were alive. I wondered what had happened? I somehow got on my feet pushing all the leftover debris apart.

I helped shopkeeper too. I looked around . The basement was destroyed and the cars were sounding their emergency alarms. The tremor was so huge that few walls in basement fell .

All the people inside were tossed to the ground. Me and the shopkeeper whose name was "Sudab" , We got up and looked around if we could help someone . There were very few people in the basement during that time. We helped them to get on their feet .

We were wondering , confused  and trying to recollect," What had actually happened? ".Then we heard a cry for help it emerged from N20 parking lot . We were four people who gathered to act in this desperate times . I quickly ran towards the parking lot. I could see a lady trapped in the middle of debris," Somebody help."

As I approached other survivors gathered too . Four us removed the bricks and stones ensuring that the debris was all clear of her. We held her , helped her to stand but it seems her right leg was injured and she was bleeding. 

The gentlemen took her near the collapsed shop. Took out a few napkins and the table cloth .

Sudab tore the cloth into two and tied it across the bleeding wound. the lady screamed in pain but was out of danger.

Now we had to figure out a way to get out of this chaos. I took my screen cracked phone, tried turning it on but it seems the impact was too strong and my phone was permanently damaged .

 I was wondering if it was an earthquake. Then a bearded guy who had been a part of this along with us said," we have to find a way out of this.We are trapped and the air won't last long for us to breathe."

I agreed and said ," you are right. People lets check out if we can find a way to get out of here."

The four of us went in different directions to check if any of the stairways were still functional.

I took the path towards the stairway near parking lot H17. The stair way was blocked but the way of the lift was clear. Taking a lift during such circumstances was like jumping into a dormant volcano. Besides there was no point trying to revive the lift as it would be nonfunctional and dangerous anyways.

After ten minutes we all gathered at the same position. The wounded lady asked," Any luck?"First person who looked more like a kid answered ,"no the stairway is jammed . I couldn't even go beyond the fallen column."

Sudab," Same here."

I replied ," I found a blocked stairway and a non functional lift." The situation seemed like we were kids failing the final semester exams again and again. 

The bearded guy said. "I did find an opening though  but not sure where it leads to."  As  the troop of survivors rushed , a slight practical mindedness triggered our brains. All four of us initiated our movement towards the only leap of faith when the next hurdle greeted us with a big Namaste on our face. Another column fell from top, right in front of us missing the left leg of the bearded man. This block of bricks fell from the first basement drilling through the hard surface of the second basement.

The next minute we could see a hole beneath the ground and another opening at our top through which penetrated the mighty rays of sunshine.

Was this a hurdle or a relief ? We were not sure but I had a gut feeling that these rays of sunshine were a symbol of hope and survival.

 A ray of hope to get out of this disaster .

..........................................To be continued

A leap of mystery in Mr.Symptious's lifeWhere stories live. Discover now