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since the victory on utapau the separatist council decided that they will try to convince every first order captured planet to join them and now  they will decide to liberate every planet that the first order has captured. and they will wiped the every first order remnant so this will make them impossible to exist and to be revive and to continue and they set some investigation in the unknown region to find some discoveries and the  senate also agreed that they will help those planet and help them recover from their losses.

now that the first order is no more the separatist start cracking up some sodas and margaritas to drink as another celebration come true and start and the techno union skekoan are playing some sick techno beats musics as a celebration and then it was a victory that was to deserve and a example that nobody will carry on palpatine legacy on others hand.

meanwhile dexter deox sitting up in the hammock in fauna park hotel he tell his friend that his business is not finish that he had one last person to take care of then after the party is over he goes to a unknown planet.

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