♕Chapter 1♕

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Chapter 1 Of The Bad Boys.

"So are there any things you want to explore?" The teacher asked me and I put my phone away and shook my head. I just wanted to go home already. This school was so different compared to my last one and I didn't think it'd be a good different either. I gazed around the school field and watched the cheerleaders as they walked up to the football players with a flirtatious smile. I looked at the three guys with all the girls hanging around them and rolled my eyes. What players. One of the boys grabbed the ball of the floor and before I realised what he was about to do, it came flying towards me. I tried getting ready to catch it, but it was too late he force knocked me off my feet and onto the floor and I groaned loudly out of pain.

"Boys!" The teacher yelled at them angrily and all the girls snickered at me. I rolled my eyes and stood up whilst trying not to fall back over from my dizziness. Why the hell did they do that for? The boys walked over with a smug expression and the teacher placed her hand on my shoulder and looked at me apologetically.

"Sorry." The blonde one said. He didn't look that apologetic if anything he was trying not to laugh like the other two were and it annoyed the hell out of me. Why were they so childish?

"You want me to take you to the nurse's office?" One asked. His fawn coloured fluffy hair was styled upwards and his dark brown eyes sparkled from the light. I shook my head and grabbed my phone out my back pocket, looking at the message from my brother.

"Are you sure?" The teacher asked. "That was quite a fall."

"I'm fine." I huffed and she nodded with concern. "I'll see you tomorrow I guess."

"Tomorrow?" The blonde one asked.

"She's starting school here." I put my hands in my hoodie and the three boys turned to me and looked me up and down with interest and curiosity. I pursed my lips together and folded my arms whilst the teacher stayed quiet and noticed the tension between the four of us already. "You three should give her the rest of the tour." That definitely caught their attention because they snapped their heads to the teacher.

"What?" The blonde one asked.

"I'm fine. I'll learn my way around tomorrow. I need to go anyway."

"Your mother gave us an hour. It's been 15 minutes." She said and narrowed her eyes at me. The boys turned to me with a grin and I gulped. What the hell do I do? I didn't want to go with them, I didn't want to spend another second with them.

"Come with us, we'll take care of you don't you worry princess." One asked with brown messy hair chortled and took my hand. I tore his hand off mine and shook my head.

"I'm good thanks. I don't hang out with guys like you three. You're all too childish." I chuckled and the teacher raised her eyebrows in shock that I would say something like that. I turned to her and looked at my phone when it buzzed. "Now, I really have to go, my brother is picking me up." I smiled and waved goodbye before walking towards Daniel. He looked behind me and I turned my head to see the three boys running over.

"We're so sorry." The blonde one said and the teacher smiled at him. I wasn't that stupid, I knew she persuaded them somehow to apologise. I scoffed and swung my leg over Daniel's motorbike and wrapped my arms around his torso. He handed me a motorbike helmet and I took it off him with a smile.

"See you tomorrow." I slid on the helmet I was given whilst Dan started the motorbike and he drove off towards my house. We both got off once he parked and we walked in, I smiled at him and looked at my mother and father who were yelling at each other like they always were. I looked at Daniel and he sighed heavily.

"Can't you guys stop for 5 minutes? You didn't even realise your own children are home for once!" Daniel growled and they both became quiet. He was older than me and he was ruder to them than I was, he had more guts to tell them to shut up when they were at each other's throats.


"So what's the argument about this time?" I interrupted my father and sat down on one of the chairs at the counter.

"You moving out." My mouth clamped shut and I stared at my father in shock. Daniel started laughing hysterically beside me as if he didn't believe them but soon went silent when my father shut his mouth and looked at my mother.

"What?" I barked out a laugh. "Seriously?"

"It's not good for you here. You have to listen to us argue all the time and you're cranky all the time because of it. We found a place for you already." My mother placed her hand on mine but I quickly moved it away.

"When?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." I rolled my eyes.

"This is the best for you." I laughed at my mother. No, it wasn't. I liked it here, I didn't want to move in with some random people. That wasn't fair. They couldn't just kick me out with barely any warning.

"Yeah, it definitely is," I replied back sarcastically and stood up. Daniel followed me upstairs with a frown and he shut my door.

"Maybe it is for the best," he said, staring me in the eyes. I sat down on my bed and laughed, watching him as he grabbed some stuff and put them in the boxes that my parents had left on the carpet in my bedroom. He knew I was too stubborn to do it.

"How is it for the best?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"You can make new friends, get away from mum and dad for a bit and as they said themselves, you always hear them argue and it's not good." He replied and grabbed all my clothes from my closet and put them into a different box so it was all separate. "I know you don't want to move out but you're barely home anyway and you can always visit them when you miss them and if you don't like your roommates, you don't exactly need to spend loads of time with them so you can just ignore them." I nodded.


"Now stop being a big baby and help me pack your stuff." He laughed.

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