♕Chapter 11♕

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Chapter 11 Of The Bad Boys.

The Next Week...

"You can't avoid us forever," Axel said as I walked into the living room. I had been ignoring them ever since the incident happened and since my mother had a go at me for getting suspended because of me walking out of school. The school didn't know about the small fight between Beatrice and I and I don't think they would. She did start it after all and she always had to be the perfect angel so she wouldn't tell. I put down my school bag and looked him straight in the eye.

"I can try." Blake rolled his eyes at my comment and I looked back at him.

"What's so bad about being known to kiss Axel? I'm sure you're dying to kiss all of us." I snickered at Blake's comment.

"No, it's more of the other way around."

"I don't want to kiss you." He responded. "None of us do thanks."

"We'll see about that. It always happens, when the bad boys don't get what they want they end up falling for the girl."

"What do we want then?" Nathan asked curiously.

"Me in all your beds. I'm sure it's your dream and I'm sure many other girls have been in them too."

"And I'm sure nobody has been in yours," Axel remarked and I laughed.

"Here, no. In London, yes." I smiled. "I don't like anybody here and I really don't want to hook up with people because then strings become attached and then they'll try and make me stay here." I shrugged.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. Nobody goes for girls in sweatpants anyway here, everyone including us goes for the 3 popular girls and you're not one of them. You have no one." Axel said harshly and I swallowed the lump in my throat. Why was he always so harsh?

"Who said I wanted anyone to go for me?"

"You do. All girls want someone." Nathan said and my eyes widened when he said something like that. I didn't think he was that bad but I guess I was wrong. They were all as bad as each other, they just hid it a little, especially Nathan. He acted like the sweet one out of the three.

"Not me."

"Whatever you say princess." Blake snorted and I looked at my phone that dinged. I grabbed it and smiled when I saw a picture of the plane that Alexis was getting on with Christopher who was older than her so that they could visit me. "We'll be back in a few hours, we're going to Calebs."

"Sure, whatever." I put my phone back down as they walked out and I started to clean up the bottom floor of the house to get ready for them to come over. I cleaned my room and finally finished in the bathroom when someone started to knock. I ran downstairs and opened the door to see Alexis and Christopher standing there with a smile. I jumped on the both of them excitedly and they both let out laughs as they fell onto the floor.

"I missed you so much." We all said almost synchronised. We all got up but I didn't stop hugging them tightly until they let go of me and we all looked at each other with a smile.

"Oh yeah, do you want a drink of anything?" I snickered and closed the front door behind all of us when we walked in. Alexis clapped her hands and nodded her head frantically and Christopher nodded slowly and gazed around the place. I walked into the kitchen and they followed me. "What do you guys want?"

"Anything you have." Alexis shrugged and jumped up on the counter. She rested her both hands on her lap and Christopher said the same thing. I looked through the cupboards and picked up some alcohol and placed it down on the counter beside where Alexis was sitting impatiently.

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