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Revised , July 9th 2021

All he could feel was emptiness.

One minute, he was sitting side by side with his companions, their usual brandy on hand. The next, he found his friend shot dead in the middle of a run-down manor spewing nonsense on his dying breath. He was irritated, more so than that time he was chased by a dog. More so than the temper of his idiotic red-headed partner.

But instead of lashing out, he silently took his place in the middle of an office. Itching to scratch the surface of the various bandages that wrapped around his exposed arms.

What was taking that old coot so long?

Dazai had thought, a pout made its way on his mouth as a foul expression had taped itself on his features. The sound of his right foot tapped impatiently as he awaited for the sound of footsteps, an elevator's ding, Really, anything that would indicate the man's return.

Yet silence had engulfed him. Only the company of himself was heard throughout the building's room.
He sighed, taking another swing at his drink. A solemn reminder of his lonesomeness. With the loss of his friends, his drink became rather empty and the chatter shushed significantly. Yet he still remained, unchanged and unwilling to feel compassion for anything. Or so he thought.

At the sound of heavy footsteps, Dazai turned his gaze to the doors that swung open.

"Apologies for the wait Dazai-kun, the meeting took longer than I anticipated."
His Boss remarked—a rather sinister looking smile is plastered on his features. Unresponsive, Ogai Mori made long strides over to the younger man. His lackluster appearance remain unchanged, yet despite that Dazai could see that he was radiating excitement for go knows what.


"I don't suppose that cocky, overconfident brat had anything to do with it?" Mori laughed, sitting down next to the younger man; he indulged and poured himself his own drink.

"Now, now is that any way to refer to Chuuya-kun?"

He irked, gaining a wry smile from the Older man in return. On a good day, Dazai would've returned his quip. But for some odd reason, he chose to ignore Mori's teasing tone and took another swing from his alcohol.

"So?" Mori raised a brow at the younger man. "What did you say to get him so riled up?" He inquired, earning a satisfied hum from his Boss. From his trench coat, he pulled out an opened black envelope that was engraved in the Japanese government seal. His one uncovered eye shot open as he choked on his drink.

"The black envelope!?"

Mori gently placed the envelope down and slid the paper towards him. Gesturing Dazai to look at its contents. The younger man wasted no time and flipped the letter open, his fingers grazing the engraved seal marking its authenticity. Pulling out the letter, his eyes trail down to see a neat signature above the Printed name of Ogai Mori.


Dazai had mused. The black envelope is a seal of recognition to any gifted organization, in other words if The Port Mafia got their hands on this, any and every activity regarding its movement will be pardoned of its current and previous crimes. No one in their right mind, would give a crime organization the black envelope, right? Apparently, he stands corrected.

His eyes steer towards his Boss, an unreadable expression engulfing the older man's face as he simply stares back at him; enough to give anybody the shivers. But Dazai was never one to be scared at the face of death.

"I don't suppose they gave this to you as a form of Charity, right?"

"Perceptive as always." Mori chuckles, "Unfortunately no. In exchange for their generous offering, they assigned us to kill an individual of exceptional talent."

Dazai raised an unamused brow.
"That's it?" He thought out loud. Scrunching his nose in a manner which made Mori chuckle once more. "They're kidding right?"

"It is quite the offer isn't it? In fact it's a little too good.." Mori trailed, "But seeing as how they gave us the payment in advance, I don't see why we shouldn't help them out." The older man strides and made his way over to his Mahogany table, placing his foot down on its surface, his slouched posture shrinks his figure down as he takes a sip from his drink.

Dazai held back the urge to roll his eyes.

"So, who's this astounding individual then?"

"A little birdie told me that he goes by the name of Koro-sensei."

Well, that's unique?

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