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'HOW EMBARRASSING!!! I HELD HIS HAND AND HE RETRACTED IT!!! IM SO EMBARRASSED! Wait.... Maybe I can bring him to that cafe I planned on taking him to after the match and make him forget about what I did! Yes that's a brilliant idea! Good job thinking about that Christine give yourself a pat on the back.' I thought to myself before tapping Jun's shoulder.

"Um... Jun?" I said.

"Huh? Oh, what is it Christine?" He asked me. Turning his head to face me, and since it was windy his dark locks started to sway with the wind emphasizing his looks.

"Do you want to go to a cafe with me for something to eat?" I asked.

"Um.... Sure, I mean I am kinda hungry...." He says while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

'How is it possible for the guy who acted like a jerk to Audrey on the first day of school be this adorable!?"

~Jun's POV~

I am currently walking to a cafe with Christine. Everything seemed fine and it was slightly chilly but I do have my jacket with me. We continued walking and I started to notice that someone wasn't beside me anymore so when I turned to look I was surprised when Christine suddenly popped up beside.

"Not cool dude. Don't scare me like that." I said, she scratched the back of her head and muttered a small sorry before she continued to walk beside me again.

"So... um..... What.. do you usually like to do aside from... You know, practicing your drawing to improve your abilities...?" Christine asked. I didn't respond for a while so that I could mess with her a little bit.

"J-jun....?" She asked again. I hummed to show her that I was listening and she asked me the same question.

"Usually Soccer. My house has a backyard so I can play soccer there." I replied she nodded with a smile and looked ahead. After a while I noticed she didn't tell what cafe we were going to and asked her.

"Oh right! We're going to Shinzen Cafe. Eventually that cafe just opened a few days ago and became really popular. I don't know if it's because of the food or because of the waiters." She said.

"Are the waiters there handsome?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Eventually, yes. Actually I went there two days ago and the waiters really are handsome." She replied.

"Ok then, are there any females? I said. She visibly flinched and slowly nodded. I smiled a little. It's been a while since I went to a cafe and going there now when I'm...... Hungry. (some of you probably thought crush.) After walking for another 2 minutes we finally arrived. We entered the cafe and was greeted by a female with blonde hair in a ponytail and a red head with her hair in a neat bun. They escorted us to our table and bowed before leaving. After a while a tall male with red bed head hair took our orders.

"What would you like sir?" He asked withe a smile.

"I'll take a pistachio mochi and a chocolate shake." I said. The waiter quickly jotted everything down.

"And what would you like miss?" He asked, turning to my friend.

"I'll take a salad and strawberry parfait." She said. The waiter jotted her order down and bowed before quickly walking away.

"So now what?" I asked.

"Well. Maybe we could play a game?" She said.

"Sure! What about '10 questions'?" I said. She nodded and we played it was pretty fun but it would've been more fun with the others. I looked up as our orders finally arrived. I ate my food swiftly and finished my drink in a blink of an eye. Christine looked at me surprised and just chuckled. I just laid back on my chair and looked up in the distance I saw a familiar white haired person getting closer and closer until.

"Jun, Christine....? What are you guys doing here?" Lisa asked.

"L-l-lisa?!? What are you doing here?" Christine asked.

"I went here with my parents so we could just bond as a family." She said.

"Well what about you guys? What are the both of you doing here..?" She asked us.

"Oh we're on a-- she invited me to a soccer match and decided to stop by here for some food since we were hungry." I said cutting off Christine.

"O-oh you don't have to hide the fact that both of you are on a date. You can tell me and I won't tell anyone." She said looking down. She sounded a little sad and disappointed.

"Oh no no no we aren't on a date were just hanging out." I said reassuring her. She looked up and looked down again before telling us she had to go. With that she turned on her heel and walked back to her parents that were waiting for her outside. I then excused myself and said I had to go to the bathroom.

~Christine's POV~

'Why did Lisa just have to ruin everything?!?! Was she really with her parents or did she ask them to go with her so it wouldn't be obvious that she's spying on us? Whatever man. Ughhh..... Lisa why oh why did you have to ruin everything. *Sighs* well at least I was able to one up her and got time to be with Jun alone... He's taking quite a-- oh nevermind there he is."

~Lisa's POV~

'They didn't have to lie to my face that they were just hanging out, they were obviously on a date. Well if that's the case then I might really need to back off this time. I'm not a type of person to just steal someone's significant other. *Sighs* why am I sad? They were always hanging out with each other so she clearly has an advantage over me ok ok I made up my mind. Starting Monday. I'll clearly and completely back off.'

~Jun's POV~

'This is idiotic. I don't want to date anyone right now and now Lisa saw this she probably didn't believe me..'

'I wish there was a way to clear this stupid misunderstanding.'

~End of chapter~

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading this anyways this is pretty irrelevant and has no connection with the story but I just wanted my fellow readers aside from my friends to know this. I got accepted into my school's Journalism Program. I had to take a difficult long as* test and an interview but with much luck I got accepted! I'm so happy! Anyways sorry if you think I'm giving my other story more time and attention. I just really want to make that story reach this story's level so I had to update there a lot. Anyways ill be posting an announcement on this story later about my cousin's story to all the readers of a blooming flower and for those who follow the 3KimsofBigHit please read the announcement. Anyways with nothing else to say...

Bye guys see you soon!


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