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As the song changed over from 'Freak Like Me' to 'Tomorrow Night', Nova's hand went to skip the song that she so much despised, despite her friends love for the band. Of course, Luna slapped her hand away from the skip button.

   "You know the rule. The CD already alternates between each of our songs. Besides, I'm driving so I deserve to at least listen to some of my music!"

   "Yeah," Nova said, slouching in her seat, "But your music is so boring!" She wined.

   "Nova, I will turn my truck around right now and pick up Rhea instead, don't you think I won't!"

   "You hate Rhea."

   "That's besides the point."

   "We're two-thousand miles away from home!"

   "I'll drop you off at a bus stop, I swear to god."

   "You'll still have to turn round to pick up Rhea."

   "Oh my god." Luna sighed, focusing on the road ahead, finally seeing the sign for Colorado.

    The two cheered as they passed the sign, as they were finally nearing the campsite that they really couldn't wait for. 

   The duo finally pulled up to the forest. The time of year they had gone was less crowded, the end of summer break, two weeks before they were due to start collage. The two jumped out of the truck and ran around to the trunk of the truck, grabbing their camping supplies and locking the truck up. The two smiled at the sign that led onto the trail that they were going to follow several miles down before setting up for the night, 'Blackwater Ridge'.  Nova of course pulled out her phone and took a selfie with sign, almost instantly posting it on snapchat, while Luna texted her parents, telling them they had just arrived at the campsite.

   The duo were total opposites, it was almost confusing as to how they were best friends, but to them it was obvious. They complemented each other. Nova made Luna do things she would never have done if she wasn't there, and Luna made sure Nova didn't get herself killed in the process. 

   "Come on, lets go!" Nova bounced, eager to get started.

   "I know your excited about this, but I swear to god if I get into some cult ritual or something, I will kill you."

  "Aww come on Lulu, don't you trust me?"

   Luna sighed, "Not anymore I don't. First you try to change my music, and now you're making it seem as though your gonna sacrifice me to Satan. And I'm not complaining that you think I worthy of that honour, but not cool." She began walking down the trail.

   "So boring..." Nova huffed, catching up to the brunette, filming the encounter on her go-pro.

    "Hey guys, we're finally at the camping spot where the Wendigo episode in Supernatural was filmed. Y'all know what's up! Me and Luna are going to camp here tonight and if we see a Wendigo I'll be sure to film it!" She laughed.

   "Nova!" Luna shouted, "Come help me with the tents, they're not gonna put themselves up. And I've been carrying it for the last two miles."

    "Coming!" Nova shouted, putting her camera down.

     The two quickly put up the tent, the sun was setting quickly and they didn't have long before they had to have the camp all set up. Nova got the campfire burning while Luna grabbed logs to keep the fire burning well into the night.

    After eating their food, which consisted of sausages on twigs, they got back to chatting, of course Nova filming the whole thing.

    "So, Lulu, do you think that we're gonna see a wendigo tonight?"

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