Wendigo - Part 1

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     After a night spent in a tree avoiding a Wendigo, both Luna and Nova were tired, dirty and hungry. Nova, of course, wanted pizza. Luna told her to stop complaining and climbed down the tree.

    The strangest thing about the entire experience was they honestly had no idea how they got there. They remembered pulling up to the campsite, but up until the Wendigo everything was empty.  It was like they were knocked unconscious and dragged into the middle of the forest and left there to be killed.

    "Hey, Luna!" Nova shouted. "Watch this!"

   Nova then preceded to jump from the tree and attempted to grab onto another tree. Well, you could say she succeeded in what she was attempting, until it went completely wrong. She did grab onto one branch, which then preceded to snap and she plummeted to the ground, knocking herself unconscious. Luna being massively tired, sat beside her friend and quickly put her in the recovery position. 

   Soon, Nova woke up, and the two began hiking back through the forest, watching their backs as they walked. 

    "Nova, do you remember anything before the Wendigo?" Luna asked, hoping her crazy and slight deranged friend would have some answers. Nova glanced at Luna with a hard look on her face, Luna could practically see the gears working in her head to create some sort of thought bubble.

      "Shockingly no, nothing but I do know something..." Nova replied, looking a head of her as she attempted to navigate with a dizzy head from being unconscious. Luna sighed, looking for the logical reason to what has happened as they walked out of the forest and back to the car park.

      "Do I want to know what this thought is?" Luna huffed, she loved her friend dearly but her thoughts weren't always the most reasonable. Nova smacked Lunas arm lightly before nodding rapidly. Luna, stopped and looked at her friend, showing her she has her fully attention.

        "Well, That for one was definitely a Wendigo, no doubt about it its physical characteristics  were an exact match to my knowledge. The only things that didn't was A. why the hell is there a wendigo here? and B. why didn't it attack us. I mean they're known to be extremely violent and hunt anything that it can see. So why didn't it attack us?"

    "I don't know Nova, that's why I asked you." She sighed, looking around the forest around her. "We need to get out of here. It's not safe to be here. We don't know if it will come back or when. We just need to get back to the car and go home."

    The two quickly hiked their way back to the trail that they had used to get to their original camp, their progress was significantly slowed by their constant looking at each and every small noise and they tried to keep their feet from snapping sticks or crunching leaves. When finally getting on the path, the duo walked as quickly as possible to the car park, Luna supporting Nova, whose head at that point was vigorously spinning from her head injury. 

    The duo looked around the car park, not spotting their car, instead a Chevy Impala. "Where the fuck is my car?!" Luna yelled. "Last time I remembered, I didn't drive something as cool as that. They're bloody expensive. Shit, I left my purse in the car as well. We're fucked. We're actually so screwed." 

   Nova however, was staring at the two men walking towards the car, talking over a piece of paper as they walked out of the ranger station. Tapping on her best friends shoulder, she whispered, "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto." before indicating at the brothers.

    "Well, that explains the bloody Wendigo." She said, raising her voice at the last two words, in hopes that the two would notice them. She continued to walk towards the two, eventually calling for their help, which finally got both Sam and Deans attention.  The two looked up from where they were about to climb into the car to see Luna carrying Nova. Both girls looked tired, bloody and Nova had gone pale, her head injury finally getting too much, making her fall forward, Dean jogging forward to catch her.


    "Thanks for driving us to a hospital, I really appreciate it, and I know Nova will too." Luna said, thanking both Sam and Dean. The duo had offered to drive them to a nearby hospital so that Nova could get some treatment for her concussion. 

    "It's fine, really." Sam smiled, before looking at Dean. Dean, clearly didn't want to be there, instead wanting to go to Hailey's house to find out more about what was happening in the forest. Sam gave his brother a quick kick in the back of his leg.

    "Ow!" He exclaimed before turning to Luna. "Yeah, no problem." He said, his eyes flicking back through the glass doors to where Nova was being examined. "Sorry, what were your names again?"

    "I'm Luna, my friends Nova." Luna sounded slightly exasperated as she repeated the statement for what seemed like the fiftieth time.

    "Sorry, Dean, can I borrow you for just a minute?" Sam asked with a friendly smile, before dragging his brother away from the door and across the waiting room. Although, Luna couldn't catch all of the conversation,  she heard words like ' useful', 'woods', 'injured', 'see' and 'help', so she assumed that they would want info on what was really in the woods. Thank god that Nova had forced her to watch the show with her, or she'd have no clue what was going on. 

    The brothers soon turned back to Luna, both slightly confused about how unconcerned Luna seemed by the situation. 

   "So," Sam asked, putting his hands in his pockets, "What happened to the two of you? I mean, your friend looked pretty hurt from what I saw."

    "I mean, she fell out of a tree, when we were running."

   Dean quickly stepped in, "Running from what?"

   "Oh, a Wendigo." Luna said flatly, knowing it would annoy Nova.

   "I'm sorry, what?" Both brothers were looking at each other and then back to Luna, clearly wondering if she was joking or if she was serious. Just as Luna went to answer, Nova walked out of the room, her head wrapped and she looked considerably better than before. Of course the group grew considerably quieter.

   "Did I just walk in on something?" Nova asked, sensing the awkward tension within the group.

Hi Guys,

It's been a while since we updated, but we may have gotten distracted playing Minecraft everytime we got together to write, especially seeing as we're actually both dumbasses with a crippling Minecraft addiction. Plus we both distract each other with memes ontop of that, so we hope you understand lol. 

From Heather and Caitlin! 

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