Wendigo - Part 2

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The tension between the group was so thick a knife would get stuck trying to cut it. Luna flashed a look of worry across to Nova who was just confused. The two boys looking between them with shocked looks etched into their faces.

"What happened?" Nova asked, voice laced with mixtures of emotions. Her sea eyes darted over to the two boys which caused Nova to gasp slightly. She felt her eyes widen as who she saw at the car park wasn't a dream at all. 

"It's good to see your awake, as you and Luna reached the parking lot from the woods you collapsed. My brother and I heard her cries for help and  Dean caught you before you hit the ground. " Sam said, walking cautiously to the young girl. Her head whipped round to the older man who was starring at her, not uttering a word. 

"Well thank you.." said Nova

"How are you? You've been out for a bit." Luna asked hugging her bestfriend

"I think I'm ok..."She replied but her voice fading a little.

"She needs to rest up a little before she can be dismissed but its only a concussion and a minor cut on the back of her head,  there's no brain damage or other injuries so she will be released in a few hours." A voice boomed from behind them, it was Nova's doctor who lead the girl back into the room. The trio followed with Luna leading. Nova laid on the hospital bed, looking blankly into the ceiling.

"Ok lets cut the bullshit, what were you two doing in the woods all battered, Especially you?" Dean asked sternly pointing to Nova, his patience finally wore too thin for not even gazing at how peaceful and sweet the injured girl looked at that moment could hide his discomfort any more.

"My friend and I are hunters. We were scouting in the woods by foot, we saw something that scared us so we went up a tree out of harms way and we got a better look at whatever it was. Looked like a bear if you ask me. Anyway when coast was clear, we got down but I decided to jump and grab the other tree but the branch broke an I hit my head on something and blacked out. When I woke we hiked back but I was still pretty much out of it." Nova explained, good thing about her is she can lie straight through her teeth and make it convincing as anything. 


"Excuse me?" Nova looked at Dean offended 

"I think what my brother meant to say was your friend mentioned a Wendigo, now are you normal Hunters or..." Sam stated, trailing off towards the end. Nova gave Luna the 'Fuck You' look as now they are busted and she has to think quick to solve it. "Like us..." Same quickly finished, not seeing the  glare he received from Dean.

"You got me! I didn't know what you knew about that stuff but yea we're supernatural hunters. Born and raised. I'm Nova Jackson, and that's my best friend/ sister figure Luna Albright. " Nova said casually like it wasn't a big deal, even chuckling slightly. Luna was stunned at how quick her best friend could formulate a lie and make people believe her. Dean looked wary of the girl, not quite believing her where as Sam looked concerned for her but a slight look of relief glimmered in his eyes.  Dean's hard glare never faltered as it shifted from Sam, to Nova to Luna and back to Nova. He didn't know what or why but the girl gave him an odd feeling.

"Well, we are grew up hunting too. How comes we've never heard of any one called Jackson or Albright?" Dean questioned with a stern tone and a hard look which Nova matched to perfection. 

"My parents didn't dedicate their lives to hunting and were ones of the lucky few that broke that life style when I was born. However I asked them to teach me and they did but I got hooked on it, Luna wanted to learn when she - and she found more of the researching side fascinating. When we both refused to go to higher education because we wanted to go on hunts instead I  got thrown out and told if I wanted to hunt with Luna then we never associated ourselves with them again. Last I heard of them, they moved to London with my little brother where he went to some fancy English school and officially disconnected me from them." Nova finished, Luna kept her shock on the inside knowing if she acted too surprised they wouldn't believe the story. The girls couldn't distinguish the looks on the boys faces, they were blank neutral looks however their eyes both held loads of emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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