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Quick note here: Pictures of ALL of the Original Elements are off to the right!!!! (Alina, Blake, etc...) So yeah You should know which is which, but I put their names on them just to help you out a bit...So anyway, PLEASE ENJOY!!!! I DEDICATE THIS CHAPTER TO EVERYONE WHO IS READING!

"You are ready to be released. Please warn Alex and Lia about what is happening....And be careful, don't let any of the Original Elements stop you. If they do, all hope is lost for everyone. That includes Roxanne. If you won't do this for me since I am an Original Element myself, you must do it for her. She will be pleased to hear that you weren't harmed. So are you up to the task?"

Walter opened his eyes as he was settled down onto his feet. He looked around, panting as he wondered where he was. All he saw was a white room....He also heard someone's voice, but he didn't know who's it was. He was very confused, but for some reason he suddenly knew the plans of the Original Elements.

Walter flinched when the voice spoke again, "I said are you ready to go back to the real word? Are you ready to protect Roxanne?"

Walter's hand turned into a fist as determination filled his eyes. "I'm ready." He replied with a short nod of his head. "I won't let anything happen to Roxanne as long as I can help it!"

"Then....Good luck." Came the gentle reply. All of the sudden, even more Light shown from in front of Walter and blinded him.


Xaden watched Dylan pace back and forth with his hands folded behind his back. Apparently he was "thinking" about what to do with Xaden.

Dylan had seemed to have taken Xaden to some underwater place....But Xaden could still breathe...And also, he wasn't swimming or anything...It was very strange to Xaden, but Dylan refused to explain how.

So instead....Xaden asked another question; "So you're the Original Water Element correct?" He asked.

Dylan stopped pacing and turned to him. "Indeed. Why do you ask?"

Xaden shrugged. "How old were you when you died? And HOW did you die?" He then said. When Dylan went blank and stiffened, Xaden knew he must have hit a nerve.

"MUST you know?" Dylan said, giving him a look. When Xaden didn't reply, Dylan sighed and placed his hands inside his coat pocket. "If you want, I can tell you how everyone else died as well?"

Xaden grinned. "Yeah!" He exclaimed.

Dylan nodded. "Very well....Since I made you come here. Anyway....Let's see, Zola, the Element of Earth, died while trying to defeat some of those Red Soldiers on her own." He tapped his chin with his finger, trying to think. "Aden, the Element of Fire, died because he said he was too, "Beautiful" to fight...So when the other Elements went to fight off the Red Soldiers, some of them killed Aden when he wasn't looking.

"Rhett, the Element of Wind, died because....Well, he wasn't very bright to begin with." Dylan chuckled. "He never heard the tree falling behind him...Such stupidity. Anyway..." Dylan cleared his throat. "Now the other two are a bit complicated....So let me tell you a story first: Alina, the Element of Light, had dated Blake, the Element of Darkness. They had gone out for a while, but Blake broke up with her because of the Red Soldiers. He didn't want to always be focused on HER. He should be focusing on his task.

"So anyway, after when we THOUGHT the Red Soldier thing was done for, Alina wanted to get back together with Blake. But Blake met Melantha and they dated. But one of those Red Soldiers killed him, because apparently the war wasn't over yet. And before he died, Blake gave his powers to Melantha. And since Blake died, Alina killed herself....And so did Melantha."

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