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Waiting on the clinic table with a gown on blood still seeps down my legs. The door opens and I quickly sit up, the whole room shifts eagerly. The doctor comes in sitting down and scoots up next to me, no emotion on their faces at all. Anne slips her hand into mine and I squeeze it tightly, I don't know why I feel this way.

"Sadie you are fine along with the baby, this is normal, it's a scare your body is still adjusting to being pregnant not needing to have a period, bleeding is normal for your pregnancy but if it happens heavily you will need to come in okay? So no egg was released just blood okay? Any questions? I assume this is the father?" He asks motioning towards Theo. He extends a hand to my doctor shaking it worriedly.

"So the baby is fine?" Asking the question trying to answer it himself.

"Yes it is completely fine. No miscarriage." He sighs running a hand through his hair.

"Have you two talked about the baby?" He asks us, I look to Theo sheepishly.

"We are still talking about it." He says rubbing his hair aside.

"How old are you sir?" He asks Theo, Anne holds her tongue giggling.

"Twenty six." He almost answers in a question confused.

"And sweet heart how old are you?" He asks me looking almost like a father would.

"I'm twenty one."

"See you two are of perfect age to take care of this baby, I don't want to step out of my perfessionality but this is a safe place, I have a daughter who was eighteen who had a baby boy, I convinced her to keep him and now she doesn't regret a thing. But you two are far much older and mature enough. I have a home you two can live at, my daughter and the father lived there while they worked out what they were doing, they lived there until they got their life together after the baby was born, you two could live there if you would like?" I feel the need to hug him and just let him hold me like his daughter!

"Where do you live?" I ask, not wanting to be too far away from the college.

"Like ten miles up the road from here, it's a motel we furnished and other pregnant couples, unmarried, and don't know what to do live there." Looking to Theo hopeful.

"Theo this might be good for us."

"I have a house already you could move in with me."

"There are other people who know what I am going through, guys that may feel what you feel! We need this!"

"Will this possibly waver about giving the baby up?" He asks hopeful, thinking for a moment and thinking hard.

"If I see other girls do it I am sure I will think about keeping it." His face practically glows with joy.

"When can we move in?" The doctor chuckles at how quickly Theo was pleased and changed his mind.

"As soon as you like, I do free check ups on the girls there, my son in law does council ing for the dads, my daughter is a midwife along with my wife for the girls that want to do a home birth. your expenses are free as long as you do your part." I nod to him.

"Thank you so much, but what about my friend? Could she come? She could learn to be a councilor for the girls or she could be a midwife?"

"Sure, but once your baby is born she will need to get a degree if she wants to get a job at my home, but I must go I have other patients, thank you for coming in and don't stress. Have a nice evening." Thanking him graciously I quickly change into my clothes and all three of us walk out of the office silently.

"Sadie I don't need to come, I can just go move in with others on campus." Anne says hopping into the car.

"But I want to be with you, your my lesbian lover!" I pretend to pout getting a chuckle from her. I can sence the tension coming from Theo, turning to him he is blushing a dark red. "Oh come on, I am joking, if I really was you and I would have never happened." He nods his head staring out the window, I am just glad the baby is okay, other than that I like really need to change my pants because this is gross sittinging in my bloodied pants.

"Now that I think about it, I dont think we should go there." Theo mutters, turning to him confused he just stares out the window more.

"And why is that?" I ask him leaning over more so I can have direct contact with his face.

"Because all the hormones and other girls, they could talk bad about you making you stress which could harm our...the baby." He corrects himself making me feel a bit guilty, like he is some how guilt tripping me.

"Tell me the truth about the adoption, this is your baby too and you get a say." He sighs rubbing his forehead looking kind of stressed out.

"I just really dont want to give the baby up, it breaks my heart, its not like some toy that you can throw away, its a person that I feel we would abandon. What if both of us went our seperate was and had other children. The baby would feel so left out, like because we gave it up and seperated in a way that we were only going to use it to stay together, then had more kids and it wasnt important. I just dont want to give the baby up, I dont want to only use the baby as a rope to keep us together, I want us to be real."

"I am adopted and I dont feel that way." I say, its true, my parents put me up for adoption and I love my adoptive dad. He looks to me in shock before speaking up.

"You have never felt that once in your life?" I ponder on that for a moment then sigh.

"Yes, for two years, it broke my heart."

"You see! You should know more than any of us what it is like to feel that  way, did you ever think to yourself if you had kids you would never give them up?" He is throwing great points but now its making me feel like I am a horrible person, tears slowly trickle down my face feeling so ashamed to even want to think of giving it away. "Dont cry, I wasnt trying to make you cry."  He says wiping a tear from me jaw line. 

"I am just so sad, I am so confused, I am not ready to be a parent, I just started my career. I am just scared I wont be a good mom because I want to finish school and start my teaching. I just dont know what to do?" I sob into my hands, and this is the start of my pregnancy hormones, Theo is going to have a bumpy ride ahead of him.


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