Mommy Moment

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"Oh my gosh Theo this is beautiful! You did all of this while I was gone?" I ask standing in the babys room rubbing my belly, everything feels so great, my hip feels good and no twitches. My belly is so large and uncomfortable but I have so much energy.

"Yes I did, I wanted you to have our sons room done when you got home. I also got us some animals for our farm." He says, my eyes ligh up with joy smiling widly.

"We have animals?" I say so happily, we have animals oh my word!

"Yes, we have horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and a muel."

"Yay!" I clap happily, I run into his arms hugging him tightly before walking quickly out of the hall and down the stairs. But Carolyn comes running to me naked and has sharpie drawn all over herself. "Carolyn." I scold her, she is just smiling widly, her face colored, her hair, stomach, legs, and arms. Theo comes jogging down the stairs he just about gasps aloud too.

"Carolyn." He does he little child scolding, tears spring into her eyes and her lip puckers, soon she starts to pee all over herself and onto the carpet. She starts crying and I dont know what to do. So I pick her up holding her out in front of me and take her to our bathroom up the stairs.

"You clean up the pee." I say while Carolyn is still crying, I start the bathtub and set her in it making sure that its not too hot. She is still crying in the tub so I bring her in even dispite my giant belly. "Its okay, were just mad that you found our markers. We dont want you to color on yourself okay? Did you color anywhere else?" I ask her, she nods her head and I sigh, this is fantastic. "Where did you color?"

"I drew Elsa." She says, but where!

"Where did you draw it?"

"My floor." Great, this is awesome!

"Okay, were not mad, you just need to go in timeout after the bath okay? Coloring on anything other than paper is not okay. And you need some more work on using the toilet okay?" She nods, I pour water over her hair letting her get all wet but warm. The baby starts to move a lot, but this time the baby has his feet up in my ribs. Yes! This is great news, that means that he wont come breech. I wash her hair quickly trying to get all the color out, along with her body, she still has sharpie all over herself. I finish her bath wrapping her up tightly in a towel then let the water out, I feel exhausted all of the sudden.

"Go have your daddy get you dressed then tell him mommy needs to take a nap okay?" She scurries away being careful not to trip on her towel. I haul myself up and wobble to the bedroom closing the door behind me. Sliding in bed I take Theos pillow and shove it under my large belly that is ridiculously huge. I close my eyes relaxing and take a relaxing moment.

"Hey Carolyn's in bed do you wanna go get some food? Maybe some Christmas shopping?" Theo asks me rubbing my arm and belly trying to wake me up, I nod my head still feeling tired. He hauls me to a sitting position and I just rub my achy back and hip. All this pressure on my body might end up breaking something or rebreaking.

"When's the recital?" I ask, I want to be there for my students when they preform."

"Oh, about that they are all coming to visit you instead in about three days and my family and yours will be here tomorrow to help out when our baby comes." I groan rubbing my eyes, I dont need anyone here with us we can handle a baby. 

"I like really need to go to the bathroom, help me go to the bathroom." I say, he helps me  stand, he helps me hobble to the bathroom, my back is irritating me like mad. He leads me to the door and I shut the door and lock it, I use the restroom relaxing on the toilet, my back and hips are just on fire today. I finish up and haul myself to a standing position, I pull up my pajama pants. "I need your help I cant open the door." I say, he quickly opens the door, I flush the toilet and he helps me out of the bathroom and past the sink, I honestly dont care at this point. He walks me down to the closet and he helps me pull on some more comfortable clothes and warm ones at that. My pregnancy belt thing, a long sleve shirt over that, my maternity jeans, my grey uggs, and a giant puffy jacket. "Ready?" I ask, he nods pulling on his own jacket. My stomach soon gets very uncomfortable, rubbing it softly I huffy grabbing onto the doorway. 

"Are you okay? Whats wrong?" Theo asks rushing up to my side, I just chuckle letting it ease up. I stand up straight huffing, my band makes me feel so much better.

"Yeah just a braxton hix." I say, he sighs before bending down to my stomach level. He grabs the sides smiling.

"Your causing your mother alot of serious pain young man, she has been through alot. Just lighten up with her. But we cant wait to see you baby." He kisses my stomach looking so excited and happy, he rubs it softly making me feel so happy, he kisses it again smiling before looking back up to me.

"Ha, sorry." He says looking uncomfortable, I just chuckle softly.

"Its fine, I really dont mind. Now lets go, Im getting hangry." I say rubbing my belly, he chuckles before linking my harm and we walk together through the silent house. Walking down the hall and to the steps which are a night mare. With every step it hurts all my joints, my hips and back. Looking down I see three more steps, I sigh making it down the rest of the stairs out of breath, that means he is still high in my uterus, he needs to come down some, this is making me nuts. I huff and puff out of breath, I swear it feels like I have gained one hundred pounds. 

"Are you okay?" He asks me stopping us mid way to the door. I smile reassuringly to him before I start heading to the door again. He opens it to the freezing cold winter air. He helps me across the slipery pavement to the car, his grip is tight and hes helping me walk to the car. He opens the door for me and I quickly get in, its even freezing in the car. Shivering I watch him walk across the cement in front of the car until I watch him fall disapearing in front of the car.

"Theo!" I scream, opening the door I carefully walk over to him to see him on his butt rubbing it. "Oh my, are you okay?" He chuckles carefully getting up, I studdy him carefully.

"Yeah, might have a butt bruise." He chuckles, he hauls himself up and I sigh, I carefully walk over to my side and him to his. 

"You sure your okay?" I ask him as he starts the car.

"Yes I am sure, what out our little guy? Is he okay? You looked so scared I am sure he was just as scared." He chuckles rubbing my belly making him kick Theos palm in return.

"Yeah, but just think, in three weeks hes going to be here in our arms." I say, I just cant wait until he is here, I just cant wait.

"I know, now lets go Christmas shopping, our first Christmas together." He slowly pulls out of the drive way off to our first Christmas and I am just so excited I can hardly stand it.

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