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"It was only a false alarm, your baby is okay just preparing you for the real thing. Now the specialist will be right with you." The OB leaves and is replaced with my specialist.

"Hello Miss. Chance, so your results came back with a brain tumor, we will do some tests that won't harm your baby, and if we get it in time we can remove it." He smiles warmly, I smile myself back to him. "So we will roll you away to an MRI." He presses a button and a bunch of interns come in rolling my bed away towards the MRI. They quickly prep me, and they are treating it with care yet like in about to die. They scoot me into the machine, I feel very funny, like something wrong. "Okay Miss. Chance just sit back and relax try not to move okay?" The intercom says, closing my eyes I try and relax, another Braxton Hix comes and I grunt trying to stay still.

"Ow." I whisper trying to stay still.

"Everything okay in there?" Another man asks.

"Yeah." Soon everything goes dark.

Doctors POV

"She's seizing!" I call watching her body seize from the machine, they stop it and I race to the machine exiting her out of it, they quickly help me turn her to her side, blood seeps from her nose. "She's hemorrhaging! We need to get her to an OR stat!" Holding her steady Cam quickly calls for an OR prep team. Some nurses come in helping us. They give her anti-seizing medication and she soon stops, foam seeping from her mouth. We dart into action setting her on a stretcher and race her from the MRI room. Passing her loved ones, two make and one female.

"What's going on?" One of the makes come up stopping me but I usher her into surgery.

"Her tumor has gotten too big putting pressure on her brain cutting of circulation to a vein causing it to burst, the blood is seeping through to her nose, we will do everything we can to safely remove the tumor." I say before racing off to surgery.

Theo POV

What? She had a tumor? Why was I never aware of this? I should have just pushed her into telling me, I just can't cope if she dies, I just cant.

Scribbling down names for our son on a napkin. If he is born today he is going to need a name, this is nerve racking he could be born today.




Ethan Bailee



I just don't know what names would suit him best? If Sadie....died today I don't know what name she would prefer. Throwing my head in my hands I let out a frustrated yell jumping to my feet I storm off throwing the napkin and sharpie leaving the hospital for a breather. How many times is she going to end up in the hospital for something horrible like this? Sitting on a bench outside the hospital I let my hands fall into my hands and sob, this is so serious, this will be the second time she's close to death. Soon I feel something, not really touch but a feeling as if someone just touched my shoulder giving me peace. She's not going to die, she won't die she's going to watch our son grow up.

"Daddy!" I hear a small voice call, looking up I see Carolyn running up to me all bundled up with a small back pack on. She runs into my arms holding me tightly. A man comes up to me all soohisticated handing me a tube of papers.

"Kennedy and her husband got in a terrible plane crash, they died four days ago. Your her biological father so here are her important records, her birth certificate and allergies list. I am sorry for your loss." The lawyer says he turns leaving in this freezing cold weather.

"So where is my other sibling?" She asks still holding me. I just still sit here so confused and processing all of this. Picking up her small body I hold her tightly walking back into the hospital in total shock. Anne spots me and races over to me shocked.

"Who is this?" She asks pointing to Carolyn. Carolyn waves to her and motions for Anne to hold her. She gladly takes her.

"This is my daughter, her mother and father just died." This year couldn't be any more stressful.Bur I noticed that Carolyn could run right into my arms. "Sweet heart can you see?" I ask her, she chuckles hurrying her little face into Anne's shoulder before looking up to me.

"Yes silly!" She laughs, I feel like my heart just sealed a crack inside of it. The operation worked!

"What do you mean she can see? Was she previously blind?" Anne asks, Carolyn soon places her head on Anne's shoulder and closes her eyes.

"In one of her eyes yes, but I-I just don't know my emotions right now." I say, Anne shifts so Carolyn is in a better position.

"It's fine, just go sleep on a chair, you need it."


Well a picture just happened to pop up on my story on my phone so I'll delete it tomorrow but I guess that can be the ring?

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