oh wow really mom

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"KELIUS get your ass outa that book and help me with the grocery". My mom screamed.

"Im coming, im coming" i yelled back.

I was just starting to get into this damn book, i put my book mark on the page i was reading and sat the book down puting my avatar the last airbender slippers on.

Walking out of my rooms still in my pajamas i went down our creaky stair into the liveing room where i see my mom puting the rest of the groceries on the marble counter she had just put in.

"I got it now, since you took so long"

"Really mom then what exactly was the reason of me coming down here" i said which i probably shouldn't have cause it was gonna only set her off to lecture me about not staying in my room all the time.

"Oh gee kelius maybe the reason for you coming down here was to actually have you move your legs cause that's something you rarely do"she said in a very sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes and huffed at her comment but since i was down here i might as well put the groceries up since she brought them in here, i went to take a bag that was filled with all kinds of breads and flour mixes.

"Mom what are all these love's of bread for" i asked.

"Oh well your great cook of a mom got invited to a bake off "she said but i knew it was a lie cause she hated to cook thats why she always buy microwaveable food.

She continued on and said "its actually for Mrs. Pita she's the one thats baking for me so i can win the competition" Mrs. Pita was or neighbor that could cook up anything if she wanted to.

"Mom you know thats cheating right" i said as i laughed.

"Its not cheating if no one knows".

I turned around and continued to put the groceries up as my mom sat in the living room, finishing up i walked in there with her and sat on the couch across from her, she looked like she was thinking hard about something.

"Kelius i need to talk to you about something"

I knew it was serious because she said my whole name witch isn't something she do unless she's mad.
"About what" i asked

"I think you should move in with your father we've been talking and he wants u to live with him for the summer and i think it will be a good thing cause then u can finally get out you shell , get sum friends, have a girl friend or something".

I looked at her baffled by what she had just said i know in her mind she probably feel as though she's helping me but in my mind i just got thrown to a pack of wolves and im not one to let anger take over me but i felt myself start to get angry that she would even suggest that i live with that disgusting, coward of a man.

" are u serious right now"i said looking her directly in the eye.

"Hunny i think it would be go-

"NO IT WOULDN'T BE GOOD FOR ME!!" i yelled cutting her off, already knowing what she was gonna say

"Look kelius its final alright he's coming tomorrow to pick you up so no more complaining.

I got off the couch and stomped my way up to my room slamming the door in the process, i couldn't believe her the fact that she's making me stay with him pissed me off and the fact that they were still in contact with eachother made me more angry. He hated his father for so many reason.

I got up and went to the bathroom to see if a shower could cool me off looking in the mirror he looked at his light brown eyes and carmel complexion with his curly hair he had a strong jawline. He was definitely eye candy that girls dream about but he  would never know because his head stayed in books.

Stripping his clothes he hopped in the show cooling him off instantly, he thought to himself maybe it wouldn't be so bad he could just ignore him the entire time while he's up there and just do him. Washing and cleaning his body he was feeling refreshed, he thought about jacking off to take his mind off everything but changed his mind figuring that he would have to pack since thomas was coming tomorrow, he always called his father thomas cause to him he was nothing but a doner after all the fucked up shit he had done.

Getting out the shower he dried off and put his clothes on going into his room grabbing a suitcase out the closet he packed all his clothes and in his jawstring book bag he packed all the book he could fit in there and packed other necessities he would need. Throwing it all in a corner of his room getting up from tye position he was in he stretched and grabbed his nike airforces putting them on he was gonna go to the corner store and get his favorite candy wich were suga babies before he left.

Walking downstair his mother was still in the living room" im going to the store" he said opening the door

"Be saf-

He had shut the door on her before she could finish her sentence walking down the street he spotted some girls who were looking at him giggling one he had notice was candace a girl he had known since elementary she had on tight jeans and a crop to that said fuck the world on it. Candace had like kelius for years but he never noticed her but kelius on the other hand hated her with a passion she was annoying to him she always tried to touch on him or would always ask in a squeaky voice "where my hug" and kelius would always shut her down by looking her straight and the eye and walking past her.

"Where you going kelius"she asked in a annoying high pitch voice

" some where obviously" he sarcasticly said already getting annoyed with her "can i come with you i think we both need some company" she drawed out in a suductive way. Kelius pushed her away as she tried to hold his hand.

"Look candace im being as nice as i can right now but please get the fuck away from me" i seethed out already not in the mood from earlier the last thing he needed was some clingy hoe on his arm.

She looked at him a little hurt she wanted to cry but she wouldnt let any one get the satisfaction of seing that feeling his annoyance radiate she steped away from him and but she had one thing to say before she turned around.

You know what kelius fuck you if anything you should be happy a girl like me would even talk to your nerd ass you're not some god given gift if thats what u think cause a Bitch like me could never fuck ugly ass moron like u" she yelled, she knew kelius was far from ugly and felt like a kid for even saying wat she said. But she couldn't help it no man had ever turned her down and she couldn't believe that a nerd like kelius would but it was like even though he was a nerd something about him made her lady parts tingle.

Kelius looked her directly in the eye raised his hand and gave her the middle finger and walked right passed her, he could care less what she had to say he had to much stuff already on his mind.

Finally making it to the store he saw crack heads hanging around that he walked straight passed not giving them a thought or eye contact walking in the store he went to the candy isle, even at the age 17 he was still a candy lover grabbing 10 pieces of his favorite candy he went to his gavorite store owner loretta she was a nice old lady and he would miss her for the summer so he was saying his goodbyes.

"Hey loretta how are you" i said

" im doing real good baby how's your mother doing" she said.

Oh you know being her usual self he said with an eye roll " i wanted to say bye because im leaving for the summer".

Its about time you got up and did something instead of being in those books all the time she said which annoyed me becauses she was sounding like evry one else.

He handed her 3 dolars but she decline "its on the house hun think of it as a farewell present she said. I thanked her and walked and one of the crack heads in front of the store stopped him to ask for a dollar but kelius mom always told him to never give money to a crack head cause they'll only buy more crack with it so kelius just walked passed him like he did before.

Finally home he went straight to his room and went to bed.

So guys how do u like the first chapter sorry for any mispells
I kn sum of my fans want me to finish the powerful omega book but i was soooo tired of that book that i think i needed a fresh start so comment what you think

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