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"Look man if you gone stay here you gotta have chores everyone cleans in this house including me" thomas said.

I had just woken up and he was already tryna make me do shit.

"Look I didn't ask to be here, meaning i dont have to clean shit in here, this is your house not mine, and i dont claim this mother fucker, you're the one that cooked yesterday so how bout you clean the mess you made." I replied back as calmly as i could.

But Thomas was starting to get fed up with his smart mouth, Thomas felt like he was doing his best to make kelius comfortable and all kelius had to do in return was clean the house. He felt like kelius was so used to a silver spoon in his mouth but Thomas was gonna surely humble him down a bit.

WATCH YO FUCKING MOUTH!! Thomas yelled getting in kelius face causing kelius to step back.

Kelius hated when people got in his face he hated feeling people breath on him, he hated the spit that came out when people talked, it was a big pet peeve he had.

"THIS IS MY FUCKING HOUSE AND YOU WILL RESPECT ME" thomas felt a satisfaction when he saw kelius step back he felt like he had finally knocked kelius ego of his shoulder.

But little did he know kelius did not fear him kelius didn't even care what Thomas was talking about he just wanted him out his face.

"What ever man just get out my face bro." Kelius said in annoyance, he was so tired of thomas already and hadn't even been there that long.

"Oh now its "what ever," naww nigga you gone do what i asked, i been being real nice around this bitch when you first got here i let you collect yoself i let you get yo shit together but that shit you pulled yesterday talking out the mouth aint finna fly no more, you hear me?" Thomas said but as he spoke kelius felt a little bit of spit fly on his lip which set kelius off to no return.

"GET OUT MY FUCKING FACE." Kelius screamed at the top of his lung pushing Thomas making him stumble back into a wall. Thomas was gonna smacked the shit out the lil boy but he knew it was gonna only make things worse.

Thomas knew he had to be an adult about this so he raised both his hands in surrender " fine do what you want." He said walking away.

Kelius was still seething he turned around and went to his room, that little droplet of spit made him feel dirty he got in the shower and scrubbed his body real good mostly his face he was still angry even when he got out the shower he was annoyed he didn't know what to do so he called his mom.

Ring....ring...ring...ring...ring.... ring...ring  you have reached the voice mail of (667)215-1085

The fact that his mother wasn't answering in his time of need made his mind drill with anger he didn't know what to do at all he felt like crying but didn't want to seem like a pussy he had stoped crying a long time ago because he felt like he was supposed to be the man that protected his mother. The hate he had for Thomas was so strong he just couldn't contain how much he hated him. He had left him and his mother, he had hurt and abuse his power over his mother to the point where his mother hasn't dated a man since.

That made kelius body shake he felt as though Thomas had no control or say in what he did or said.

Getting up kelius grabbed his keys and making sure he grabbed his phone this time he walked down stair and straight out the front door, pulling out of the drive way fast he was on the road searching for somewhere to sit and just be to his self. Deciding on going to the cafe feeling as though he owed the cashier girl there an explanation.

Pulling up he parked and got out going inside. There wasn't many people in line so i wasn't a wait, finally getting to the front she looked up to me and looked back down.

"Can i get your order sir"she said.

"Uh actually yes you can."

"What would it be then sir." She said in an annoyed tone.

"Your name please." I replied smoothly causing her to blush.

She looked back up with a serious face " sir if you don't want anything then please don't hold up the line" she said dryly.

I looked back to see that there was actually three people behind me i shrugged "they can wait, now about that name please" i replied back.

"Its rue now what is your order" she said roughly flipping her dreads behind her.

" Smal Caramel frape" i said puting the money in her hands "keep the change" i replied as i walked to my table and waited.


I was so annoyed at the fact that the guy I dont even know the name to came and acted all so nonchalant as if he didn't basically turn me down.

Walking his frape to his table " you know if h didn't wanna hang you could have just said that." I said as i sat his reciept down and his drink.

"Oh yea well about that I honestly didn't mean to leave the napkin on the table i was  moving to fast and forgot it." He said looking me directly in my eye👀 causing me to look down.

"Oh" i replied back feeling like i was being to forward.

"How bout you put your number in my phone" he said causing me to blush.

"Sure" i said putting my number in his phone.

"When you get off work." he asked

"Umm i get off at five"

"Well i expect you to show me around tomorrow at six " he replied back.

"Is this a date?" i ask really wanting it to be, it was just something about him that drew me into him , he was so chill and not like all the corner boys who tried to act gangsta i honestly didn't need anymore street guys in my life, especially after my last relationship i though to my self.

"Thats up to you whether its a date" he said getting up from the table.

Him saying that kinda made me feel some type of way "umm ok " i replied back.

"Ight ima text you, foreal this time" he said smiling at me. Which was the first time i had ever seen him smile his teeth were actually perfect compared to some niggas

"Ok" i said smiling back at him showing my braces i had, he walked out and i turned around to see my coworker kiesha staring at me with a sneaky smirk.

"Mmmmm who was that fine piece of eye candy you was talking to?" she asked.

"No one just this guy i met." I said not wanting to say to much because kiesha was that kind of girl that would flirt with a guy even if you like him or was just dating , shit if yall was married she wouldn't care , she was considered a hoe in the streets of newyork she would fuck and suck any guy that showed her attention and i honestly tried to stay as far away from her as i could.

"Mmmm girl i need to get that dip on my chip" she said walking away

Her comment annoyed me so much not wanting her to get to me i just got back to work thinking about hanging out with kelius tomorrow.

Sorry for any mistakes but what do yall think do you think kelius was in the wrong or Thomas.

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