Chapter 10

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       On Sundays Max had a weekly morning appointment, dragging himself out of bed, getting on his motorcycle and driving to a small dingy gym, wrapping his hands and getting in a few hours of Muay Thai.
     He'd left Tul after helping him put Bright in bed for a nap, deciding not to move too quickly and make him uncomfortable. He wasn't sure how much slower he could go to be honest, everytime he thought about Tul his pulse would race and his lips would practically itch with the desire to kiss him.
      A foot kicked out and caught him in the waist, making him fall over and wince.
     "Dude, you are totally unfocussed today, what's on your mind?"
     His sparring partner was a stocky man with platinum hair tied back in a ponytail named Karn, his chest heavily tattooed with a dragon tattoo, his nose slightly askew from a clear previous break that healed improperly.
     Karn was a good guy who was the head trainer at the gym, but he'd had issues with gangs in his youth, having repented and changed his ways after a stint in prison in his early twenties.
     He held out a hand helping Max back up to his feet, where he shook his head.
     "I met someone." He said, stretching his arms and rotating one of them to loosen the joint.
     "Oh? Cute?"
      "I wouldn't say cute exactly.... handsome is more accurate."
       "Ahhh a fella." He nodded wisely. "What does he do?"
        "Bookkeeping. He's got a cute kid too."
        "Oh no, a straight guy?" He worries, tossing Max a water bottle.
         "It's his niece, his sister died and he adopted his niece."
         "Ahh, well you like kids anyway. Is there a problem? He not like you back?" Karn asked.
        Max thought of the look on Tul's face when he'd put his hand on his knee the previous day, the way his ears had blushed red, and the movement of his adam's apple when he'd swallowed.
       "I'm pretty sure he does. He's just so... he just has a deep sadness to him, and I want to see him smile all the time. He spends all his time taking care of his niece despite not knowing anything about kids really before the past few months, and I just.... I dunno."
      "You want to take care of him? Listen, I've known you for seven years since you started training here, and you've never once lost concentration over someone so that must mean this fella is pretty special." He laughed. "I can't remembered the last time I landed a hard kick on you without you at least trying to block it."
      "Don't get too comfortable with it, it's a momentary situation. I'll get my answer soon enough." He said with a laugh. Outside of the ring his phone dinged and he rolled over to grab it, seeing a notification from Tul. He felt his heart beat with excitement in his chest and picked opened the phone.
     Bright wants me to invite you to dinner. She wants to cook for you if you aren't busy.

     Bright had woken up ungodly early that morning, jumping on Tul until he'd woken up.
     "Can Uncle Max come over today?"
     "What?" Tul asked, wiping sleep out of his eyes.
     "Uncle Max! I want him to come over." She repeated.
     "Honey, he's probably busy, he has his own life and can't spent all of his time with us."
     "Well that's stupid." She said, folding her arms.
      "Please try to be polite kiddo."
      "Can you at least ask him if he'll come over! Mom always said that I should thank people who do nice things for me, and she always made food for people who did nice things for her."
     "Bright, do you even know how to cook?"
     "Well you can help!" She pleaded.
     "I don't know how to cook either champ." He said, finally sitting up, rubbing his face. He looked down at Bright who was pouting at the end of the bed, her eyes wide and lips trembling. He knew he was getting played but he threw his hands up in defeat. "Fine, I'll text him but if he says he's busy you can't get upset."
     "Okay." She replied happily, climbing off his bed and prancing out.
     Bright wants me to invite you to dinner. She wants to cook for you if you aren't busy.
     Less than a minute later there was a reply, stunning Tul as it was still very early. He heard the television turn on in the living room to cartoons.
      Sure! I don't have anything going on today. What is she planning on making? =(^.^)=
        Tul smiled before replying.
       I don't think she thought that far ahead. Don't get your hopes up too high- neither of us know how to cook anything, it'll probably be something I can microwave.
       How about I help out? We can do groceries together and I can help cook.
      Tul's heart began to race at the domestic image being laid out in his imagination.
       I really don't want to take advantage of you all the time. He replied.
      (^_-) I don't think it counts as being taken advantage of if I volunteer. Max replied, and Tul could almost see his cheeky yet disarming grin.
        Well fine. How about we meet at the grocery store this afternoon? It'll be good to take Bright out on a walk. He replied.
      See you guys there! Text me the       address!(^∇^)

     Bright had been ecstatic when he'd informed her Max would be coming, and even more so when she found out they'd all be grocery shopping together, running to her room and putting on a neon pink fluffy skirt and a tank top with a mermaid on it.
     He didn't bother with her hair, letting it poof out in a cloud around her face, and put on a simple pair of shorts and a tee to go to the grocery store.
     Bright babbled the entire way there, hopping up and down like a rabbit as they walked the ten minute stroll to the supermarket. Squealing in excitement and running to jump into Max's arms when they came across him waiting outside of the store.
      "Gosh you're so much louder when you aren't at school." He said with a laugh, kissing her on the cheek before setting her down. Tul approached and Max put his arms around his shoulder, gently grabbing Bright's hand.
      "She's loud when she's around people she likes and knows." Tul said. "She's usually quiet in groups."
      "Guess she takes after you a little then." He said with a laugh.
     "No, Uncle Tul is always quiet." Bright declared, dragging them into the store. "Can I ride in the cart?"
     "Sure thing." Tul said, lifting her up and sticking her in the cart where she sat cross legged, leaning against the wire.
      Tul had never really enjoyed grocery shopping, or shopping in general- he didn't love crowds or having to talk to cashiers, but he felt like he had a bit of a buffer with Max there- he seemed like the sort who'd do the talking for him.
     This proved to be true as he led them through the grocery store, loading up the cart, chatting with Bright and asking employees where products were located, agreeing with people when they said how cute Bright was.
      They were so different, but there was something that connected them, a sense deep within his chest that he couldn't shake, that with Max he felt like he was with family, like he was home.
      "Shall we go home and cook?" Max asked Bright, and Tul felt his entire body jolt, as though he was being given a glimpse of a possible future- one where they really did have a home together, and a family to call his own, a place that felt like a small heaven on earth.
       The moment passed and he laughed internally for getting ahead of himself.
      We haven't even been on a single date yet, calm down. He told himself, grabbing the bags as Max lifted Bright out of the cart, taking her hand and turning to smile at Tul with his bright brown eyes and disarming grin.
      Are you sure this isn't a date? The little voice in his head said, and Tul swallowed hard before following the two of them back toward the apartment.

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