Chapter 29

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"Marry you?" Those were the only words Tul could get out of his mouth, he was struck otherwise speechless, staring into the dark eyes of the man he loved, who was looking up at him with such eagerness and desire. "It's... it's not even legal yet." He whispered, looking down at the ring that was on his finger.

"That doesn't matter to me. We could go to Canada and get married or something. I just more want it to be forever, for us to be forever." Max replied, grabbing the other ring from the box and putting it in Tul's hand. "If you want to, you can put the ring on me." He said hopefully, his voice shaking slightly. 

Tul tightened his grip over the ring, feeling it in his palm as he stared at the man he loved looking at him with eyes full of pleading. 

"What are you two doing? Aren't you going to come eat dinner?" One of the aunts peeked their head through the doorway, causing Tul to jump, the ring flying out of his hand and rolling away on the floor while the two of them stared at the woman. "Wait, what... oh my god!" She shrieked, staring at Max kneeling on the floor and Tul looking shocked.

"What's happening?" The other two aunts peeked in, staring at the two men who were frozen in confusion.

"Oh my goodness! Are you... Max are you..." Lek clapped her hands excitedly like a schoolgirl. The rest of the family crowded around the doorway, gawking at the scene.

"If you tell me you're just tying his shoe or something I'm going to murder you." Neung commented, adjusting the infant on her hip.

"What are you doing Uncle Max?" Bright asked, coming into the room, her brows furrowing in confusion and concern. "Why are you on the floor."

"Uhhhhh..." Max was at a loss for words as the little girl walked over, standing between them.

"Uncle Tul, where did you get the ring? It's so pretty!" She said, grabbing Tul's hand, and looking at the ring that Max had placed there.

"Well sweetie, so... you know how your mommy and daddy were married?" Tul said, clearing his throat a bit.


"Well..." Max continued, his face blushing red. "I wanted to ask Uncle Tul to marry me too, so we can be together forever and be your two daddies. How does that sound?" He asked.

"You want to get married?" She turned and asked Tul, looking between them.

"Uh, yes honey. I do." Tul finished his thought with his voice strengthening.

"Really?" Max said, lacking all of his usual confidence, his voice tinged with wonder. "You really do?"

"Of course I do. I love you." Tul replied, reaching down and putting his hands on both sides of Max's face.

"Awwwwww." Neung said, breaking the moment slightly, everyone laughing at the two of them.

"Lets put your ring on you." Tul said. Max stood and held out his hand, which Tul took, and then looked at his own hands in horror.

"What?" Lek asked, bustling in to pick up Bright and hold the girl against her hip while Bright hugged her new grandmother's neck.

"I dropped the ring." Tul said, his face flushing a deep red. "I... I dropped your ring oh my god where did it go?" He dropped to his knees, panicking as he scrambled around the floor in a panic, his fingers flying across the tile as he desperately looked for the ring.

"Okay kids!" Lek put Bright down and clapped her hands, all the children assembling. "Get down and help Uncle Tul find the ring he dropped." Bright and the twins dropped to the ground, rolling around as they sort of searched for the ring, mostly giggling and ramming into each other as they rolled.

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