Chapter 24

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The two children fell asleep curled around each other, their fingers entwined and faces smushed together on the couch.
"They're so cute when they're asleep." Max said, smiling from one side of them.
"Much more than they are awake." Tul said exhaustedly, slumping on the other side.
"Should we move them to the tent?"
"Nah, let's just cover them with a blanket and let them sleep here." Tul said, yawning. "Don't want to risk waking them up and giving them a second wind."
"When you're right you're right. You go get in bed, and I'll get the blanket. You look so exhausted love." Max said, getting up and kissing Tul on the forehead. Tul nodded, getting up and heading toward the bedroom, yawning as he went. Max covered the two kids with blankets, taking the time to brush their hair out of their eyes.
When he got to the bedroom Tul was lying face down on the bed, his arm curled under his head, his feet hanging off the bed as he snored lightly.
"God I love you." Max whispered, laughing as he got ready for bed.

The next day after Jun went home, Tul dressed Bright nicely and bundled her into a cab, Max sliding in next to her.
"Where are we going?" She asked, her feet bouncing on the edge of the cab seat.
"So honey, we're going to go visit your parents." Tul said gently, patting her shoulder. "We're going to go to the temple, say hello and introduce uncle Max to them." He said.
"But... we can see them?" She asked, her brow furrowing.
"Well baby, we won't be able to see them, but we'll be able to tell them everything you've been up to, and leave them some flowers to make them happy." Max said. "I want to say hi and let them know I'll take really good care of you for them."
"Okay..." Bright replied, looking unconvinced.
"I also printed a picture for us to leave there so they can look at us." Max said, pulling a photo out of his wallet and handing it to her. She cradled it in her small hands looking down at the photo.
It was a selfie that Max had taken of the three of them, Bright sandwiches between both of them, their cheeks pressed together as they grinned into the camera.
"You look so pretty in the picture." Tul said, smoothing her hair down, and pulling her into a little cuddle.

The temple was bright and airy, which Tul was thankful for as it lacked any sort of funereal feel to it. They stopped for incense and Max bought some flowers, Tul leading the two of them to stand in front of Mark and Jeen's grave marker, their names neatly written out, their wedding photo inlaid into the wooden marker.
       "You and your sister look so much alike." Max whispered to Tul, looking at the smiling couple in the image. She had the same nose and smile as Tul and Bright, and had a mischievous look to her. Mark had a kind face covered in freckles and a pouf of curly red hair. They looked happy and in love. It was criminal that they'd died so young.
       Max waiied politely, bowing deeply in front of the marker. He looked over at Bright, and gestured from his bowed position and she joined him in waiing.
      The two stood and Tul went forward with the incense, sticking it in the stand and lighting it. He bowed politely, and the three of them sat down, Bright sitting between the two of them.
      "Hi Jeen, P'Mark." Tul said. "Sorry it took so long for us to come visit. It's been a bit difficult and it kept getting pushed back. I know you two would understand, you were always very understanding." He said. "I brought Bright with me, she's doing really well lately." He continued. "Do you want to say hello baby?"
      "Hi Mommy, Hi Daddy. I miss you." She said quietly, looking lost.
      "Tell them what you've been up to." Max encouraged.
      "I started school, and I have a new best friend named Jun, and we just had a sleepover and it was really fun. We moved to Uncle Max's house, and I have a pink bedroom now." She said in barely more than a whisper, twiddling the bottom of her skirt with her chubby fingers.
       "I'm sure they're really happy that you're doing well." Max said, speaking to Bright but looking over at Tul.

       After Tul and Bright visited, Tul went to take Bright to the bathroom, leaving Max alone with the grave marker.
      "Hi." He said, feeling slightly awkward as he bowed again. "My name is Max, and I'm in love with your brother Tul. I'm also in love with Bright, she's like my own daughter at this point." He sighed, sitting back. "I sometimes feel a bit guilty, because losing you brought them to me, so I feel bad for feeling so lucky because I don't know how I could possibly be happier than I am now."
      "You know I felt sort of aimless before I met your brother, I was too scared to tell my family I was gay, I didn't see myself falling in love, I just worked and partied and didn't have a direction for where I was going, but then I met Tul and Bright and my life suddenly started to make sense." He sighed, leaning on his hands.
      "I can't promise to be a perfect dad to Bright, or a perfect husband to Tul, but I promise you I'm going to do my absolutely best. I love them more than life itself, and I'm going to love them as much as I possibly can and protect them with everything I have."
     Tul and Bright returned, and Max stood, the three of them bowing, and Max leaving the photo of the three of them.
       "Do you have anything you want to say to your parents before we leave?" Tul asked Bright.
     "Hmm... don't worry about me mommy and daddy, Uncle Tul and Uncle Max are really good amopted daddies." She said matter of factly. "Uncle Tul makes me my favourite jokk and Uncle Max does my hair, and they both play with me really well." She said. "But I miss you."
     "I'm sure they miss you too honey." Tul said, smiling sadly down at her. He looked over at Max who leaned over to whisper to him.
     "She called us her daddies." He whispered, smiling happily.

      The three left, not noticing a fancy car driving up. An elderly couple stepped out, a short woman with neat grey hair pulled back into chignon, and a tall man with a severe set to his shoulders and furrowed brows.
      They entered the temple, a young Thai woman trailing behind them. She directed them to stand in front of Jeen and Mark's grave. The woman leaned down and picked up the photo Max had left, looking at it sadly. The man stood with his arms folded, looking down at the grave marker with a look of disinterest.
      The woman put the photo down, leaning into the man's side, her back hunched and shoulders down. He awkwardly patted her back  before leading her out of the temple and back into the car.

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