Chapter 3. Bouillabaisse

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It's nearly two days after Beverly's visit that you decide to take her advice. Moving through the throngs of students making their way all across campus you begin to wonder if all this hassle would even be worth it. You'd had to take a two hour cab ride which was nothing but the worst of torture, and now you have to navigate the sprawling campus set out before you with absolutely no idea of where to go. It had been years since you'd attended as a trainee, and some new buildings had been put up and taken down. You had tried to ask someone but everyone seems to be in an extreme hurry, FBI trainees in their official jackets and black sweats smelling of gunsmoke and freshly mowed grass cross in front of you at every turn, no one stopping to help the confused visitor.

You finally reach the main administration building to get some help from an advisor when you feel a cool hand on your shoulder sending you whirling around to face the person before you. You know Jack Crawford in an instant-  His unique features and stocky build giving his authority and position away immediately. This was the very man you had one day hoped to work under, a dream that had been shattered when you were rejected for being "too unstable." A brief moment of recognition flits through his eyes sending a wave of wrinkles across his smiling face. It is becoming more and more apparent that Jack had been aging prematurely, but from what, you cannot say.

"Hello, Jack." You smile warmly up at him.

"Miss Y/N, To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He seems pleasantly surprised. You wonder if he's recognized you from the case he's working on, or if he remembered at all that you had once attended as a student. You had always liked Jack, he was hard not to like, even after you knew him as trainee. He is simple to understand and is always quite polite to you. You assume that he found you attractive, not only from a physical point of view but professionally as well.

"What can I do for you? Visiting Katz? She's down with Pryce and Zeller in Path-Lab 3, couple new bodies in from last night." He puts his hands into his pockets and looks at you with a strange amount of curiosity that makes you feel like you are being examined under a microscope- not a great feeling. Students and teachers alike are moving past you in constant currents, two rocks in a river you think, Though Jack makes no move to get out of the way. "Homicide late last night. Three casualties." He explains when you tilt your head to the side.

"Yikes." Is all you say. You aren't really in the mood to discuss murder today... another reason why you would be staying far away from the Path-Lab. "I'm actually not here for Bev today. I'm listening in on one of your teacher's lectures." You can tell from the way his face changes that he knows at once who you are referring to.

"Is it Graham?" he asks looking away.

"Yes. Beverly said talking to him might help. I'm not sure how though, I've already told everything I know to the other agents." There's a flicker of fear that darts across his face then, but you can't quite place the reason for it. "That bad, huh?" You smile teasingly.

"How about I walk you down there?" He says, obviously brushing off your question. However, you pay it no mind, coming to terms with the fact that you won't get any more information about the man in question. "Considering Graham's on the other side of campus I'd say you're more than a little lost."

You smile, welcoming his offer. "Thanks, Jack. I'd be glad for your help." He gestures for you to continue walking and you fall into a steady pace beside him.

"Is there anything new about The Minotaur?" You ask hesitantly, not sure if you even want the answer. The Maryland Minotaur is what the media had decided to call the person responsible for the rash of brutal murders in the last three months. There had been four more, after the one that you had witnessed and survived. The name bothers you to say the least. It's one of those titles that strikes fear into the mortal hearts of men, yet one that also makes killing look... glamorous. You hate the way the media always Hollywoodizes murderers. You can tell that Jack agrees, from the way he winces when he hears you say the name.

"Nothing new yet Y/N, I'm sorry." He reaches up to swipe a hand over his tired-looking face and sighs. "Whoever he is, he's covering his tracks better than most. His crime scenes are always spotless. No fingerprints, hairs, nothing. We did get some small wefts, seemingly from the bull head, but we knew about that already from your account." You nodded, trying not to let your disappointment show.

"Don't worry Y/N. We'll catch him eventually. Either he'll make a mistake or Graham will find something we haven't yet. He's got a knack for catching the monsters." That stops you in your tracks.

"It was you wasn't it?" You cross your arms and give Crawford a stern look, and he gazes downward sheepishly. "You asked Beverly to convince me to come here." You aren't all that angry. It's just like Crawford after all, to get someone to do his dirty work for him. And you know that his reasons are in fact, justified. If talking to this Will Graham got you closer to catching the Minotaur, then Crawford would make sure it happened, Even if it causes you some mild discomfort.

"I'm not angry." You clarify, and he looks relieved, a half smile forming on his lips. "I am wondering though Jack, what made you think I wouldn't come if you had asked me yourself?" You can tell he regrets his decision immediately, and that he's surprised you caught on so fast to his little scheme.

"You don't miss much, do you Miss L/N." You keep your grim gaze rigid, and he sighs. "Well, to be honest Y/N, I figured that you would want to stay as far away from this as you could possibly get." He puts his hands in his pockets and tilts his head to the side, possible wondering if he was correct after all.

"Believe me, that's high on my list of priorities. But so is catching this guy." He nods. "And if Mr. Graham can help you to do that, then by all means." You gesture to the building Jack was leading you towards and he picks up speed again, resuming his steady pace towards your inevitable displeasure.

"I thought it would sound better coming from Katz, since you two seem to be so close nowadays." You nod beside him.

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." You recite, and he chuckles.

"A literary buff, are you?" He says and you smile.

"I am nothing if not pedantic, Jack." This makes him laugh as he opens the door and you step inside.

He leads you to a large lecture room but stops just outside the closed entrance.

"I think it would be better if you went in alone Y/N." He says, instantly making you more apprehensive of this whole thing.

"Are you sure?" You ask nervously. "I don't have a visitors badge or anything..." You trail off but Jack is quick to reassure you.

"You'll be fine. Anybody who gives you any trouble will have to answer to me." This makes you smile again, but doesn't entirely quell your nerves. "I must caution you by the way; he's not the biggest fan of eye-contact." He says, nearly repeating Beverly's warning, and thankfully so, as you had almost forgotten.

"Consider me forewarned." You say as he begins to walk away from you. You turn towards the door to the classroom, and hesitantly reach out to open it, but stop when you hear him say;

"Oh, and Y/N?" You turn back towards him with a "Yes?"

"It's good to see you here again." He says and turns to walk away. 

Well, at least he still remembers me. Here goes nothing. You think as your heart nearly pounds out of your chest. Despite your growing fear, you plaster on a brave face as you enter the cool and dimly lit room.

Angel's Sojourn: Hannibal x Reader x WillWhere stories live. Discover now