Chapter 4. Soupe à L'oignon

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Will Graham sits alone in cool, semi-darkness with his head in his hands. He sighs, but you can tell it is caused by a private matter and not out of exasperation at your presence. Still, you feel guilty for having interrupted his sensitive moment. You feel as if you have just walked in on something incredibly critical. The air is practically alive with a deeply mysterious intelligence, one that you can feel emanating from him as soon as you enter the room.

He doesn't look up at the sudden noise, perhaps he doesn't even hear it, too lost in thought perhaps, but this is just as well. You don't want to admit it, but the chance to observe him in his natural habitat just seems too good to be true. You watch.

He runs his hands through his chestnut brown curls, and you blush, realizing just how handsome he really is. He takes off his reading glasses and runs a hand over his face tiredly. It's dusted with a dark stubble, and as your gaze traces his face you notice his blue eyes blinking curiously at you then, without saying a word- As if he's not sure that you are really there.

You clear your throat timidly, feeling as though you need to explain yourself. You nervously stutter out an, "Um, Hi," with a tiny wave. "Sorry... I'm uh, I'm Y/N. Y/N  L/N." His eyes go wider, and you can tell that he knows exactly who you are, and maybe even what you're here for. You aren't surprised of course, as your name has been plastered to the front of every newspaper in Baltimore for months.

He takes an awkward breath, and looks away from your eyes. You instantly remember what Jack and Bev had told you, and turn your gaze to... anywhere else in the room, really.

You decide the large projection screen just behind him and above his head is as good a place as any, and not too evident that your intentions are to avoid eye contact. He notices of course, you can tell by the way he chuckles softly and shakes his head.

"So Crawford briefed you, did he?" He says, his voice like wood crackling on a fire, and you smile.

"I'm that obvious?" You ask in return and meet his gaze- an action you decide is worth the risk, as you'd already been busted. Not to mention the fact that any chance to look at those extraordinary blue eyes again sounds pretty good.

To your surprise, he doesn't look away. At least, not at first. You are given another glorious chance to admire his ocean blue orbs once again, and are stunned with just how intense and... sensitive... they are. They hold a deep sadness as well, one you didn't expect from this man.

He clears his throat awkwardly, and looks away first, though his eyes flit back and forth from yours while he speaks.

"It's not you, per se. It's always obvious... for me at least." He says carefully and you nod, at a loss for words, though the silence is not uncomfortable. His eyelashes flutter as his eyes dart from yours, to the door, the desk, his hands, anything.

They go to meet yours once again and catch a quick glimpse of you tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, not noticing his gaze. Unknowingly to you, Will's overactive imagination will never fail to provide him with vivid and sometimes phantom visions, like his hand tucking your hair behind your ear, instead of your own. He could feel his calloused fingers twine in the soft strands, your sweet floral scent filling his nose... You notice him looking then, and the fantasy is gone. And he blushes.

You begin to wonder silently if this behavior is normal for Will Graham, deciding it is of course far too vain to assume he's acting like this simply because of you...

But of course, this is exactly the reason. Will Graham is a good man. A good man with strange gifts and an odd yet enticing set of mannerisms. To be blunt, Will Graham is cute as hell. Yet he is also different, and unknown. Women judge him as they would a possible threat, or their next big project.

But you- this woman who just came out of nowhere, perfectly courteous and sweet, treating him like a person, and not at all like someone who needs any fixing. He could tell that you genuinely cared if he was comfortable around you or not, cared what he thought of you.

You were just too good to be true. And well... irresistible really. Will knows deep down, after exchanging not even 15 words with you, that he wants you, in every way... and it frightens him to say the least.

You clear your throat awkwardly and look away from him, a deep blush creeping up your cheeks, similar to his.

"So... I take it you know who I am?" You ask cautiously, and he nods, not meeting your eyes.

"I'm sure everyone in Baltimore knows who you are, Y/N." Hearing him say your name was like hearing it for the hundredth time from the mouth of a deeply loved one, which is odd, because Will Graham is a stranger to you. "So, uh... What can I do for you?" He asks as he motions for you to pull over a chair and sit.

You do just that, grabbing and setting up a metal folding chair from off to the side. You feel much less nervous sitting at eye level with him. It makes you feel more like equals, and less like strangers.

"Well Mr. Graham, I was actually hoping you could tell me." You can tell that he's not used to such a formal title, and he tells you as much.

"Please, call me Will." He says softly, and you try out the name, bringing forth a sweet smile from him at hearing his name on your lips.

"So Will, is it true? Jack tells me that you have the ability to empathize with my would-be Killer. He says that it's how we'll catch him." You say and he raises one eyebrow in a quizzical look that couldn't have been more adorable. You know at once what it is that has caught him off guard, and you blush.

"We?" He asks, just as you knew he would.

"When I say we..." You trail off and he chuckles in that charming way you've already noticed he has.

"So Jack's roped you into this as well I see." His eyes flick up to meet yours with a grim smile. "He's good at that."

"Well, I wouldn't say "roped in" exactly... I would have volunteered but Jack tricked me into this a little sooner than I would have liked." He nods and watches as you tuck another strand of hair behind your ear. It was always coming loose and he notices how you nod your head and fidget when you're nervous.

Your eyes meet his for merely a moment before you remember Jack and Beverly's words and quickly look away. He chuckles and shakes his head saying "You really don't have to try so hard... for me, Y/N."

This surprises you, and you're sure that it shows on your face because his mirrors how you feel.

"Well of course I do..." You say, a little louder than you had intended. "I only mean... I don't want you to be uncomfortable..." You trail off again and he starts to laugh, much to your surprise.

"You just survived a brutal attack from a crazed serial killer, and you're worried about offending me? A complete stranger?" You look at him curiously.

"Well we're not strangers anymore are we, Will?" You smile, and he clears his throat awkwardly, looking away to shuffle a few papers around on his desk before finally clasping his hands on top.

"So... are you offering to help?" He asks and tilts his head to the side.

"Yes... theoretically?" You say. "I'm just... not sure how much help I can be."

"Well, I'm sure I can be the judge of that, right?" He smiles and his eyes crinkle in the cutest way. It makes you blush when you realize just how much his good looks are actually affecting you. He just had to be hot... You think grimly to yourself. A crush is the last thing you need, but when he asks; "So... can I buy you a coffee?" You find yourself returning his easy smile with a resounding "yes."

Angel's Sojourn: Hannibal x Reader x WillWhere stories live. Discover now