Chapter 1. Cassoulet

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There has always been something unsettling about seeing an immaculately cleaned room you decide to yourself, standing in the doorway of Dr. Hannibal Lecter's office. The Doctor himself is standing at your side, holding the door open and motioning gracefully with his hand for you to enter. Taking in the scene before you, you can't help feeling an odd sense of security accompanying this hair raising strangeness.

You turn to the Doctor, his maroon eyes already locked on you in a steady, hard gaze. A wave of fear nearly threatens to knock you over but you hold your ground. There's no reason for you to be afraid of him, He's only here to help, you remind yourself gently. With the worry gone you can finally look at him, taking in his appearance. He is tall, slender, but in no way scrawny. You can see his muscles through his three-piece suit, tight but still fitting just right. The three-piece suit in question is obviously designer, fitted to his exact measurements. His hair is perfect, salt and pepper with a slight dusting of stubble. And his lips- are unlike any you'd seen before, perfectly shaped, angular and soft. To be blunt, he's fucking hot, in an elegant and bold way.

You take a few hesitant steps inside, the door closing softly behind you.

"Good Evening Miss L/N, it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Doctor Hannibal Lecter." Even his accent is slight yet endearing- Lithuanian or Polish maybe. European, you think silently, that explains the chiseled God look... He holds a hand out towards you, and hesitantly you take it, his flesh instantly sending a shock through yours as soon as you touch, and your breath hitches in your throat.

"Please call me Y/N," you say, remembering your manners.

"Very well then, Please, take a seat Y/N and we'll get started." he motions to one of two chairs facing each other at the far end of the room. Taking your seat you can now see the entire room from where you are. There's an entire wall of books spanning one whole side of the room, a balcony looking over from where they were upon their shelves, a ladder leaned against the side to allow easy access to the books above. to your right, you see large windows shadowed by heavy curtains that fall neatly in elegant waves to the floor. He sits across from you and places one leg over the other. You quickly scramble for something to say.

"You have a lovely home, Dr. Lecter." He smiles.

"Oh I don't live here, my home is across town. This is just my office."

"Oh..." you trail off, letting your gaze drift from his face. It is after all, incredibly distracting.

He leans forward in his seat to see you better- like he's trying to read you.

"You seem nervous. I assure you, I don't bite." This brings a cautious laugh from you, still quite afraid to test the waters.

"Well, that's relieving." He chuckles at your reply.

"Y/N, you do not have to be afraid. I assure you, this is a safe place, anything you say here will stay just between you and me." You breathe a sigh, silently preparing yourself for the emotional turmoil you are about to go through. "Why don't you start by telling me a bit about yourself?"

This is the part that you had been dreading. All your life you had been led to believe that therapy was for crazy people- after what happened to your older sister all those years ago. But this man sitting in front of you was completely relaxed, calm. He obviously doesn't think you are crazy, or if he does, he is very good at hiding it. In fact, he makes you feel all too ordinary compared to his splendid manner. You feel wildly underdressed for starters, with your dark jeans and simple blouse, long coat, and windblown wavy brown hair. And anyway, who could feel anything but normal meeting this man? He is all too extraordinary.

"Well, there's not much to tell really..." He stops you by putting a hand in the air.

"I find that very hard to believe Miss Y/N. And if you are going to lie to me again I will greatly appreciate some notice, perhaps then I can end our session without having wasted too much of our time." His message is strong and clear, yet his face is still as stone. His look is not one of anger, but one of... intrigue.

Angel's Sojourn: Hannibal x Reader x WillWhere stories live. Discover now