Chapter 2

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Y/n's clones disappear in a mist

Iruka thinks to himself

Mist? That's unusual...

Iruka:Alright great job y/n you pass with flying colors...

He gives y/n a black headband

Ino and Sakura get up and cheer

Ino:Y/n shouldn't have needed to take that test it was super easy!


Y/n:I need to take the test like everyone else...just because I'm new doesn't mean I get a free pass...

Ino:Yea,but look at you! You look like you know a lot!

Y/n:If you base your thoughts on someone's looks,then you won't last long outside the village....

The room goes silent

Iruka speaks up

Iruka:Y/n that was a bit rude...

Y/n:You need to be honest with these kids...lying to them would be setting them up for failure...

Sasuke:Dont talk like you older than any of us!

Y/n:Your right....I'm not older,im just about you guys in age...

This surprises iruka

Y/n is around 13? He's way more mature than everyone else...but I guess you need to be if your an assassin...

Iruka:Alright that's enough...who's up next...

Ino raises her hand

Ino:I'll go!

She walks up

She performs the jutsu

Iruka nods his head

Iruka:Very good ino! You pass!

He hands her a blue headband

Ino turns around and winks at y/n

Ino:See that y/n?

Y/n:I saw it...but I cant say I'm impressed...

She sighs as she sits down

Sasuke walks up and performs the justu as well

Eventually everyone goes up and performs the jutsu with ease

Until it gets to Naruto...

He goes up with a confident smirk

He smiles and makes hand signs

Y/n notices something

Those aren't the hand signs for shadow clone justu...what is he doing?

Naruto:Sexy jutsu!

He creates 3 female versions of himself

He creates 3 female versions of himself

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