Chapter 43

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Y/n:Let's get out of here and get Tsunade...

Naruto:Yea hurry up Pervy Sage!

Jiraiya:What's the rush kid?

Naruto:You need to hurry up and train me!

Y/n:They are after him at the Akatsuki...

Naruto:What's all that about anyway? What do they want with me?

Jiraiya:Well they arent after you personally they are after the power sealed inside of you...

Naruto:Can it even be controlled?

Jiraiya:I'm not sure kid,they may have found a way...

Naruto:Y/n can control his...

Y/n:Its not a tailed beast...

Naruto:But the idea is still the same right?

I voluntarily joined you...although I'm not sure I can be taken out like a tailed beast...if at all possible...

Well no one has tried yet...

Jiraiya:Regardless that enters in another problem...the Akatsuki is not only after y/n's power inside,but y/n himself...

Naruto:Why would they want y/n? I mean I understand his power but....just y/n...?

Y/n:They may want me to join them...

Naruto:Why do you think that?!

Y/n:Based off the dialogue with Itachi,I can assume that there are more members of this Akatsuki,I don't know how many total,but I can also assume that they travel in pairs...

Naruto:Well you won't join the Akatsuki right?


Naruto:Y/n tell me you won't join those monsters!

Y/n:Look at it from my point of view...Itachi,the bastard that killed my mother is apart of the Akatsuki,if I joined it may be easier to kill him...

Naruto:So your joining just to kill?

Y/n:On the contrary,I'm also joining to keep an eye on the rest of them,I may not only be able to protect the leaf village but other villages if need be,but the most important thing would be finding out about their leader...

Naruto:How do you know one of those two isnt the leader?

Y/n:Assuming the Akatsuki is as big as I think it is,the leader won't need to go out,at least to an extent,they would probably be leading or giving orders at their headquarters while the others go out and do most of the work...the leader won't reveal themselves unless absolutely needed...

Naruto:Just promise you'll come back if you do...

Y/n:I can't guarantee it won't be long,but I promise I'll come back...

Naruto smiles

Naruto:That's all I need to hear!

Y/n:Anyway Jiraiya,how does Tsunade look like? It may be easier to identify her if we have some sort of info on her appearance...

Jiraiya:Well she's sensitive about her age...shes supposed to be 50 but she's probably used a justu to make herself look like she did in her 20's...she's a gambler so I've also heard she can change her appearance on the fly to avoid paying for money she owes...

Naruto:That's awful...

Although quite interesting...changing physical appearance...

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