Be Somebody

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(Harry POV) 

What The Fuck...

        Did that really just happen? I was breathing a bit hard. No. It couldn't have. Could it? He's Louis Fucking Tomlinson. No, it didn't happen. Right? I heard the door open behind me and saw Liam and Niall walk in. I got up off the couch as Zayn came back in the room. He looked at me and looked worried. "You OK mate?" Not trusting my voice, I nod. We both look at Liam and Niall and see the tears staining Liams cheeks. 

"OhMiGod. Liam are you OK?" He shook his head and before either of us could ask any questions, Niall answered. 

"Danielle broke up with him." It came out almost as quiet as a whisper. Both our eye pop out of our heads. WHAT?! No. She broke up with him? What the hell is going on around here? They stood there, Niall rubbing Liam's back. Looking both sad and relieved. Before I could question him on it, Louis came back into the room, looking not so pleased. 

"If she calls to complain one ore time, I swear to god I-" then he saw Liam. "Hey, man. You alright?" Liam shook his head. 

"Danielle." I said. 

"Oh. Damn. I'm sorry man. She didn't deserve you."  Liam sighed. 

"It's OK, I guess. It's just hard to think we're over because we've been together so long." He leaned into Niall a bit more and Niall rapped his arms around him. Then I realized, Zayn and I can't yell at Louis for saying they should get together anymore. Liam single and nothing would be stopping them. Thinking of Liam and Niall together made me think of Louis and I. I would love to be with him. But he loves Eleanor, even when they fight. "I think I'm gonna go for a walk. You want to come, Niall?" He nods and off they went. Cute. Zayn sighed.

"I'm gonna go a have a talk with management. See you guys in a few a hours." Lou and I nod as he leaves. Alone. Louis and I. I turned around to face him and he smiles at me.

"You," he says pointing at me. "Still have to sing for me." He chuckles. My face fell even more, remembering our conversation in the hospital. Damn it.

"Why? I'm not even good." I sighed. 

"Please. You said you would."

"Fine." I grumbled. "But it's your funeral." He just laughs and drags me into the small bedroom of the hotel. We sit down on the bed and he grabs a guitar. 

"Can you play?" I shook my head no. "OK. Tell me what song, and I'll play while you sing." Stubborn. I took a moment for me to think of a good song. When I thought of one I smiled. 

"Do you know how to play 'Be Somebody' by '3 Doors Down'?" I asked.

"Yeah." I smiled. He started playing Be Somebody as an acoustic song. Soon, I had started singing the words that I know all to well.

        A smile played on my face as the last few words tumbled out of my mouth. I really like that song. He stopped playing and just looked at me. I got nervous before I said, "Told you I was bad." He lightly shook his head.

"Harry, That was amazing. You really should've listened to Niall. Just, WOW" I was a bit shocked that LOUIS TOMLINSON, from 1D was complementing my singing. I was lost for words for a minute.

"R-really?" I asked. He nodded and set his guitar down. He moved so he was sitting a bit closer to me and my heart started beating out of my chest. I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it. i took a deep breath and just watched him. I could tell he was thinking hard about something and I wish I knew what it was. I was about to ask but, he started to lean in a bit. I was shocked. Does he really want to kiss me? Not really thinking about the fact that he has a girlfriend, I slowly lean in too. After what felt like forever, I felt his soft lips touch my. He slowly started to move them and I did the same. It was soft and gentle. Not lustful, more like passionate. I can't believe this is really happening. He slowly snacked his hand to the back of my neck to bring me closer. This is a dream come true, and I never want it to end. I felt like I didn't need to breath, like the fact the I was kissing Louis, made breathing look pointless. Our lips moved in-sync, like they were meant for each other. After what only felt like a few seconds, he lightly pulled away. It took a moment, but I slowly opened my eye, staring at him. He was just staring at me, almost breathless.

"Sorry." He mumbled. I shook my head and smiled. I leaned back in and kissed him slowly. He melted almost immediately. I smiled into the kiss. I finally got to KISS Louis. But it was cut short by a scream. We both jumped apart and saw the last person I wanted to see.


I hope you guys liked it. Please tell me what you think. I know Kenzi and Lena like it. But what about the rest of you?

Pages: 3

Words: 926

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