Hanging By a Moment

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Sorry if the chapter isn't that good/long today. Found out last night that Robin Williams committed suicide last night, and I'm really bummed out. 

(Zayn POV)

        I got a text form Louis saying the boys had changed their mind. Music to my eyes, well, eyes. I really hope Simon likes them. They should be here in a few minutes. We're going to see Simon at 2pm sharp tomorrow. I wonder what song they'll sing. Whatever it is, I know they'll be good.

(Niall POV)

        We pulled up to the hotel and fans were gathered everywhere. I guess they finally figured out that the boys were here. We got out of the van and Liam and Louis tried to protect Harry and I as we made our way to the front door. They're so sweet. Guess they're out body guards. They pulled the doors open and rushed us inside. I chuckled. "I guess after 6 years of having body guards, you've learned something." They laughed.

"Yeah, guess so." Liam wrapped his arms around me.

"You know, everyone's going to know who you are before we even know if your in the band. I guarantee  that people having picture of all of us kissing and since we just walked into a hotel with mystery guys." Louis chuckled. Harry nodded.

"Yeah. Guess so." He looked a little unsure, so Louis pulled him into a hug.

"It'll be OK Harry. Liam, Zayn and I will protect you guys." Harry nodded again. "Love you."

"Love you too." We all went over to the elevator and Liam pushed the button. Once it dinged. we stepped inside and Louis push the floor number. within seconds, we were on their floor and head to their room. We opened to the door to find Zayn on the phone. He looked up at us and smiled.

"They just walked in actually." He said. He waited a minutes before saying, "Yeah, OK. I''l check, one second." He looked at us and told us to close the door.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Simon want to know if he can meet you guys today instead of tomorrow." Harry and I stood there in shock. We looked at each other, not sure what to answer. I don't think we're ready. I don't even know what we're going to sing for him.

"Ah, I-um," I was speechless.

"O-Ok?" Harry said, more like a question.

"Cool," He went back to his phone. "They're OK with it..... OK. See ya then." He hung up and looked at us. "We meet him in 30 minutes." My eyes widen. I tugged Harry's arm and made him follow me into the other room.

"Harry, we don't even know what we're going to sing." I reminded him. He thought for a minute.

"Why don't we sing.... um, how about, Hanging by a Moment. You could also play guitar. Then if we get in the band, you and Liam will be guitar buddies." I roll my eyes at him.

"Alright, fine. Hey, Liam! Do you have a guitar I can barrow?!"

===== 30 minutes later (simon's office) =====

(Harry POV)


      We all sit in a waiting room, right outside Simon's office. I'm really nervous. Simon can be real brutal. I took a few deep breath tryin to get my heart rate to go down. I felt someone put their hand on my back. "Don't worry Hazza. You'll be fine." I smiled slightly. Then I was confused.

"Wait, what'd you just call me?" I chuckled. He blushed.

"Oh, ah, nothing. Sorry." I started laughing.

"It's fine. Cute." He smiled. A door opened and out stepped none other than Simon Cowell.  My eyes widened.

"Hello boys." He said, looking at Louis Liam and Zayn.

"Hey uncle Si." Liam said.

"This, them?"

"Yes it sure is." Zayn smiled. He looked us over, as if deciding weather of not we were worth his time.

"Alright, come with me." We all got up and followed him down the hall. After walking for about five minutes, we came to a recording studio. "You two, what's your names?"

"I'm Harry, and this is Niall." I told him. He nodded. Both you, go into the both, say when your ready." We nodded and headed into the room, closing the door behind us. The boys sat down next to Simon while he turned the microphones and speakers on. Niall picks up a guitar and sits down in front of one of the mics while I sit down at the another. "OK, I think we're ready." He nods and signals us to start. Niall starts strumming the guitar while I get ready to sing the first verse. And he joins in at the chorus.

        The guitar faded out and Niall and I looked at each other. It was quiet for a few minutes while we sit there watching him talk to the boys through the window. I got a bad feeling, like he was going to tell us we're aren't good enough, and that we were going to lose our boyfriends and new found best friends. After what felt like forever, he motioned for us to come out. We slowly get up and open the door, walking out of the room. We couldn't tell weather the news was good or bad by looking at any of their faces. They were all emotionless. We're not in the band. I knew this was going to happen. I looked at Niall giving him a sad look. "Alright, boys," Simon started. We both looked back at him. "I've made up my mind." I looked at Louis again, hoping for some kind of hint, but got nothing. Simon sighed before looking us in the eye.

"You guys...."

Hope you'll liked it...

Pages: 4

Words: 951

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