"It was a jealous Bully"{Part 18}

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What's wrong ......Beomgyu ask me

It's just ....I explain everything to him

Come on stop crying ....he rub my back

Ok.....but instead I stop crying I burst out again

Yn sometimes you have to let go and in the future theres big that's waiting for you so don't cry........becuase of his words I stop crying as he hug me

Thanks for everything.........I smiled

Am I wanna ask you something.......he look at me as he wipe my tears with

What is it?I ask him

You wanna go to the prom with me?......he ask me and I look at him with confusion

Am....I didn't reply

Ok sorry It's ok if you don't want I understand .....he look away

Of course I would go with you.....iw chuckle he look at me in suprise like he won something

Yehey..............he jump surprise

Shhh....i chukle

I mean yeheyy. .....he whisper in happiness philosophy I scoff

Gonna go now ........I wave at him

Ok be careful goodbye nice meeting you be careful ok ......he look at me seriously aish he's a possessive friend..........

Ok ....I chukle as I walk home

I was walking home and  smiling like an idiot ......then suddenly my phone vibrated and I look at it and my smile fade away

I answer the call

Yes?......I scoff coldly

Um Yn abaout me and Hannie sorry I didn't tell you ealier ........oh great it's Taehyung aish wrong timing

Yeah?......I ask

We are together now sorry I didn't tell you ealier ......he explain I force to smile even though he can't see it

It's ok Taehyung I'm happy about you and Hannie ......I replied

She also ask me to go with her at the prom is it OK? ........he ask me like he's nervous

Of course ....I replied even though I'm hurt

Yippee your the best Yn I'm sorry if I can't come with you is it OK? .......he ask me and I can hear he's worried

Yeah I'm fine and Beomgyu already ask me......I explain

Oh  ok see ya later gonna hang up now.....he chuckle

Ok....I replied as he hang up......

I sigh deeply

I was  walking home and suddenly a car is like following me

I walk and the car start

I stop and the car stop

Is it really following me or the car is also teasing me now aish

I stop and slap my hand on the car which it's hurts haha I'm really crazy

Yah!!!!!Get out of the Car!!!.........I slap my hand  on the car

Then someone open it and I slowly look up and saw


Why are you walking alone.......he smirk

Am none of your business.......I look away

Hard - headed....he mumbled

So......?....I raise my right eye brow

And he suddenly hold my wrist and push me into his car what's wrong with him....Aish

Yah!!!let me out I keep kicking his chair becuase he's at the  front seat ,but ge started to drive


I didn't talk anymore because I know he wouldn't listen

Were here!!!.....he suddenly spoke up

I rush out of his car and went directly to open the door as I went in he stand infont of the door smirking ......

Yah get out now......I push him but he wouldn't move

Yn what are you doing?.....Mom went to us and she let Jungkook in

Oh hello ma'am I'm jungkook....he smiled at mom

Hello oh your os handsome are you Yn's friend?.....Mom smirk

Nope currently no......I replied fast

What then classmate?......Mom look at in confusion

And that's a no....I also replied fast

Oh ma'am I'm Yn's EX boyfriend .......he smirk



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