"It was a jealous Bully"{Part 26}

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I was walking home as the rain started to fall from the sky....I felt like crying all the sudden.....I wish I never fall in love again......I will try to be happy venue if it's hard....I hate myself.....why am I so dumb ,why am I so ugly,I wish I never live again I hope I'll die soon.......I WILL NEVER FALL INLOVE AGAIN.....

As I was walking while it started to rain I car stop infront me .......

Yah!Yn why are you walking while raining are you crazy?!!!!......a familiar voice called me

Oh Jungkook,yeah I'm crazy......I laugh like an idiot and cry (mix emotions,I was laughing at the same time crying).......

You may catch a cold get in........he demanded me

Don't bother me I'm enjoying the view Mr.!!!......I laugh

Aish this girl ......he went outside and get an umbrella as he wrap his coat on my shoulder

Yah,I said don't disturb me and I'm not cold.......I rolled my eyes but I was actually cold

Don't deny you were shaking......he pulled my wrist and drag me into his car beside  him .....

Fine.....I mumbled

Why are you alone did Jimin hyung and you got a fight?....I look at him and just shook my head

I don't want to go hom.....I mumbled

Why?.....he look at me

For some reason don't ask to much just drive.......I replied annoyed

Fine I'll take you home......he smile

Whatever......I don't know why am I like this,is it the effect of a heartbroken person asih whatever ..........i need to move on......

I close my eyes as I sleep

Jungkook ' s POV

I think Yn is not feeling well,well I saw everything (😉)you know what I mean guys,I saw the whole thing why Yn is acting like this .......

I drive her at my house,since my family is not here they won't mind either...Mom and dad went vacation......since I'm alone .......

We're here!!!.....I look at Yn and I can see she's sleeping Ommo she's so cute

Since she's asleep I carry her,well not bridal it's not unique anymore ,I piggyback ride her I put her at my back and while walking I stare at her beautiful face

I can see she cry becuase of her puffy pink eyes,did Yn love Jimin hyung for real all the time they are pretending?....Yn is a kind person why would they bully and hurt her......

I lay her at my bed and sleep beside her but I think she's sick when I hug her she's so hot (don't get me wrong guys *hot* means Yn's temperature not *hot*the you know 😂)....

Aish what should I do I never done this before......fine I went to my closet and get some clothes,this house is do big but there is no maid even one maid there is no one aish .....,.

I went back at her and get some clothes and of course water........

I wake her up but she doesn't even move ,I she dead?...Ommo what am I thinking .....Aish I have to do this my self

I close my eyes as I  took off her dress (ommo🙈)i can't look at her with just undies and bra aish........

Ommo Yn I'm sorry,....I whisper she wouldn't know right hehe ....

I look at her and her body was stunning Ommo what am I doing fine I'll do this now

I took her dress off and put the clothes I brought for her and lay her on my bed as I sleep beside her

End of Jungkook ' s POV

I wake up as the alarm hit me (joke)......as I heard the sound of the alarm
I open my eyes and saw a unfamiliar room

I look at the person beside me and it's JUNGKOOK??!!!!!!.......,.

JUNGKOOK??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........I yelled like crazy

Ow.....he yawn

What am I doing here?where am I? how did I get here?....I attacked him with many questions

Chill go flashbacking it's a long story......he rub his hair ,Ommo so handsome aish what am I saying, focus Yn Focus  ...........

Well make it short.....I raise up my right eyebrow

Aish Short like Jimin....he mention that name again which make my heart ache in pain

Aish fine you won and btw where are my dress,how did it change?......I was so shock

Am one of my maid change your clothes, Jungkook:I lie

Ow ok but I don't see any maids,......I look around

Am ....since they are a big help today I gave them a break ......he smile weird.....

Ow ok....I just nod....

Wanna eat?....Jungkook change the topic uh

Ok ...I just smile becuase im really hungry

Let's go. ......Jungkook smile

Sur-.....I was gonna continue but I felt like there is something wrong

Are you ok???....he ask me worried

Um I'm gonna vomit......he guide me to the Bathroom and pat my back while I'm vomiting

What's wrong???...he ask me

I'm just maybe ....am nothing I'm fine ......I smile

Do you want to go to school?....he ask me 

I don't know but you need to I'll catch up if I can ........I explain

Yeah but be careful.....he stole a kiss on my cheeks

Yah!.....I froze as he wave and drive away

I don't know if I can stay in this house for an hour it's feels like a month I just sat on the sofa and watch television since Jungkook said if I'm hungry just grab something on the ref so I just nod ........he's so nice


I went to shcool without Jungkook knowing even if I'm sick I just wanted to complete my whole attendance and of course for some reasons again

As I was walking to class I saw ...........

End of Part 26
Thanks for all the support💖

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