6. A Dream? And Meeting The Varia In A Weird Way

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A Dream?And Meeting The Varia In A Weird Way

'What are you doing?' *smiles*
'I see how intersting! I hope we could be great friends someday!'


That dream again..it haunts me to no end...I should not be thinking at the least right now.

As I do my daily routine I thought of my dream again.. I mean..it's not a nice memory for me even though it seems like it. Yeah some dreams looks happy but don't you know it breaks us the most?I mean don't you dare be strong here I know I'm ranting and stuff but it's not a nice experience.

I just sighed thinking that it's useless to even think about it.


"Huh?" I was so confused I mean
"Viper?" I asked not even scared I mean why would I?
He just stand there looking at me 'I get Reborn vibes' I mean who wouldn't when Reborn sometimes stares at you..

? He/She just vanished huh leaving a note

Which says 'Nice to meet you Riku! ^^'

So out of character tbh


Sorry if itssss shorrttt °°°^^^°°°

I can't seem to think plots since I kinda forgot Khr but I'll try to update though I don't have much motivation I'm sorry mah kitties🥺🥺

-What could be the dream?

-Maybe Viper has a motive with Riku?

-Riku as you already know not really much of a fun person but rather serious that you can't seem to shock him but you still can shock him but once in a blue moon only

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