Meeting a Friend

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*A/N Lemon in this chapter

Serena's POV
Ash took some time off from work to stay with me. I contacted my mum who was horrified that I went through my ordeal, but happy that Ash was with me. She understood why I can't come back now, not with Calem heading back there. So she said she will come over soon when I have settled down again.

Ash and I had a relaxing day today, we stayed in bed just talking, making out, and a lot of sex. I was finally feeling more happier as Calem hasn't contacted me at all.

A thought came across my mind, when Ash dropped me off at my house, 'why was he close by? He was supposed to pick me up later that day to meet his friend' which never happened. I guess I would have to ask him.

Walking back in the bedroom, I admired the man in front of me, top half naked showing off his six pack and refined muscular build, hands behind his head looking at the ceiling. I really couldn't get enough of him, my feelings were growing each time I looked at him.

I had to ask him about yesterday. I climbed back in bed laying next to him, studying his expressions on his face.

"Ash? Can I ask a question about yesterday?"

He turn his head causally, and looked me in the eye, not breaking his gaze softly smiled and said "Se, babe I told you, you don't need to worry about that..."

"I know... but that's not what I meant Ash... I meant that, I was to text you later to pick me up, how did you know to I needed help without me calling you?"

Ash sighed, he turned his body leaning on his side, he knew he couldn't avoid the question.

"I guess Serena, I just needed to make sure you were okay, if anything happened to you, I would never have forgiven myself, I just waited a bit further down the road for another half an hour and if you didn't come out, then I knew you weren't okay but I saw you crying at the bus stop."

I nodded in understanding.

"So what happened to meeting your friend yesterday?

Ash seemed pleased that we changed the subject, "yeah... about that, I kinda canceled because of what happened, so I rearranged it for tonight, if your up to it? There is someone I want you to meet. Is that okay?" Ash asked nervously.

I felt bad that he cancelled his plans because of me, so it was the least I could do.

"ok yeah sounds good I might be a bit cheeky and get a drink then"

Ash laughed at my comment replied, "well it's a couple of hours drive and we need to be there by 7pm and it's 4pm now"

"What! Ash that doesn't give me hardly any time! I need a shower!" I panicked by jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom. As I was just about to head in the bathroom I heard Ash calling out.

"Hey Se! Let's shower together I want one it will save time" He smirked knowing how I would react.

I went inside placing a towel down on the floor and about to turn the shower on, till I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist and pulling me up against his toned body kissing the sweet spot in my neck and I'm melting into it.

I felt his member gaining hardness, grinding against me, inches away from my entrance, mesmerised by the sensation flowing through me, I was distracted by Ash turning on the shower.

I felt his hands wet from the cold water of the shower skimming over my erect breasts, creating a heightened pleasure deep inside. His hands got lower past my stomach and running his fingers along the top of my clit but not quite touching.

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