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Ash's POV

Looker arranged for us to be put into a witness protection programme. Temporary mind until they caught up to Gio.

They found a house on the outskirts of a small town. The house was three stories high, modern, furnishings to a high standard to be practical and comfortable. Jenny is tasked with staying with us 24/7 the only exception was that Looker stayed with us in between her days off.

Three weeks into leaving the hospital with Se after her being shot by Giovanni; surprisingly she has been recovering really quickly. Her wound as was said by the doctors wasn't as deep as it would have been if the bullet had been directly aimed at her; Where she'd jump in front of me, the angle of the bullet caused her to bleed out more than anything. That's why her heart had given up. The bullet was pressing down into some sort of vein and that's what caused it.

She had recovered most of her strength after being on strict orders from the doctor (and myself) that she wasn't allowed to leave her bed or be unsupervised. (Much to her dismay)

An on call doctor came round with supervision from Looker to keep an eye on her and to change her dressings etc. Once the 4th week had hit. The wound had almost closed fully, which the doctor was really pleased in Serena's recovery progression. In the third week she was allowed to be moving about and doing light duties. Like for example being able to leave her bed, and go for a walk around the house. As soon as she had the go ahead she as been pushing herself daily to get stronger everyday. Eventually in the fifth week, she had been signed off completely with her only instructions to take it easy and not over do it.

Almost 2 months later

There has still been no word from Looker into Gio's whereabouts; it's like he has vanished into thin air. He has been on the case night and day trying to find him. The 4 of us. Yes that did include Calem. As much as I didn't want him there, Looker said it would be better if we all altogether to draw Gio out of hiding.

The police searched high and low at the house where Se and I were held hostage. There was evidence of us being there and DNA showing the gun shot being fired at us. Calem had told Looker and Jenny everything, he held nothing back, his motives and reasons why.

With Serena recovering well, I wanted to say that she is the most inspirational person I have met, after all she has been through, she still keeps going.

What makes me proud is that to me the trauma inflicted on her hasn't affected her the way I thought. I set up professional help just in case she needed help, but it's not needed. She is still herself. Serena has been doing things around the house, cooking meals for all of us, inventing fun games to keep us entertained. Just trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Serena was thrilled for some board games, I had arranged with Jenny to buy some for us all to play. Everyone got involved, when they tried to get out of playing, she would do her adorable little pout at me and I would give in. I would do anything to make my girl happy. In the end I just bribed Gary to play and Calem... well he didn't have much of a choice, he played anyway and he did appear to have a genuinely good time.

As for Calem, we were on civil terms with each other as far as we both knew, we have 2 common interests keeping Serena safe and finding Giovanni.

As much as I wasn't thrilled with the idea, she gave Calem a chance to apologise to her being the dick that he knew he was. Much to my surprise, he was happy that she had me and now they seem to be getting on better than before, according to her.

Today of all days, I have Serena begging me to let her go with Gary to get the groceries for us to eat for the week. She is desperately trying to get out of these 4 walls up until now Calem, Gary and I have been taking it in turns to go with Jenny to get the essentials; leaving Serena to fully recover.

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