Chapter 5

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A/N:  Here is the final chapter to this little short story.  Now you know the rest of the story about what really happened that drunken night in Kit's dorm room.  

I hope you have enjoyed it and I really loved writing this little side story.  However, I think I may have had too much fun with the characters.  LOL!!!


Oh, my head is throbbing. Why did I drink so much?

I slowly try to open my eyes, but I quickly shut them again, as the bright sun light is just too much for me. I softly groan. "Ugh..."

Suddenly a softly voice asks, "Do you need me to get you some pain pills, P'Kit?"

SHIT! Is there someone in my bed?  That was Ming's voice.  How did that happen?

I quickly try to think about last night and everything suddenly comes flooding right back to me. The car ride back to my dorm. Me throwing up all over the front of Ming. Oh, my. I instantly blush as the whole time in the shower slowly plays in mind on a very slow speed, and suddenly stops when I get to the part where I try to touch Ming's manhood.

SHIT! I took a bath with Ming last night. He saw me naked.

NO! NO! NO! This isn't how it was supposed to be. We were supposed to become boyfriends and then I get to see him naked and even have s.....

SHIT! Did we have sex last night? I can't remember anything from the point that he helped me back to bed while he was still naked. OMG! Ming was naked while he helped me to bed. The last thing I remember was kissing.....

SHIT! I kissed Ming last night! I initiated it, but he quickly responded, but then everything goes blank.

I quickly shuffle in the bed to turn on my side and my head suddenly begins to throb again. Oh, why did I drink so much last night? Now, I remember. I was trying to forget that Ming was waiting to meet his special someone and I was upset that it wasn't me. How could I forget?

I know that I heard his voice but is he still naked? Laying on my side, I still can't believe what I'm seeing. Ming's beautiful eyes are sleepy, but they are staring at me. I can see that he isn't wearing a shirt. I blink my eyes and I still can't believe this.

My eyes are instantly drawn to his muscular chest and his nipples, which just seem to be begging for my attention. However, I still need to know whether Ming is naked or not.

Tentatively, I reach my hand under the covers and Ming's eyes widen when I touch his side just below his rib cage. He slowly starts to smile as I slowly move my hand further down his side while our eyes stay locked on one another. When I finally get to his hip and I have yet to find any clothes, Ming chuckles and playfully asks, "P'Kit, are you trying to take advantage of me? Because if so, I'm more than willing to let you."

I huff and quickly withdraw my hand. "What? No? I.I was ch.checking to see if you h.had any cl.clothes on."

Ming's smile slowly widens even more as he shuffles a little closer to me, and in a low and husky voice, he asks, "Why do you want to know if I have any clothes on? Do you remember about last night?"

As soon as he mentions about last night, I instantly turn bright red. Oh, how could I forget Ming naked in the shower and me shamelessly groping his body. I do have to admit he was the perfect gentleman. If he was anything like Beam, he would have had sex with me right then and there.

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