You can panic now

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Mazie's instincts kicked in before James Moriarty could get another word out. She pushes the door open, shouting for her dad and shoves her brothers inside.

"Oh, come on now, love." Moriarty pouts, "Don't be that way."

"Get hell away from me!" She shouts, "Dad! Dad! Papa!"

"Come on, now." James reaches out for Mazie, but she grabs his pinkie and bends I back as far as she could. John appeared at her side and you could hear a loud crack coming from James's hand.

"Mazie Holmes!" Moriarty says through clenched teeth, "I expected fair play from you!" Sherlock walks out of Speedy's, three styrofoam boxes in hand.

"Papa!" Mazie growls, gesturing the the consulting criminal in front of her.

"You." Sherlock growls.

"Me!" James rips off his coat, spinning around and gesturing to his body, "Having a good day?"

"You kind of ruined it, bastard." Mazie clenches her fists, raising her arm. Her father grabs her bicep and pulls her inside.

"Don't. Be careful with him. He probably has a gun trained on your head if you lay a finger on him." Sherlock warns. Mazie ignores Sherlocks protests and fights against Johns grip.

"Little Miss Holmes, is this really how you should treat your gusts." Moriarty tuts.

"I swear to god, I'm going to rip the tongue out of your moth and shove it down your damn throat!" Mazie stops fighting against her father, instead allowing him to wrap her in a hug, despite certain height advantages.

"Someone will have to teach you proper etiquette." James sighs, "I just wanted to drop by and say hello."

"Hello." Mazie takes her fathers gun from his pockets and points it at Moriartys head, "Goodbye."

"Mae, don't!" Will runs to her and lowers her arm, "Papa told you he could shoot you if you lay a finger on him!"

"I don't believe him." Mazie growls, "He's just bluffing."

"See, the problem with you is that you were raised with horrible stories of me. But... what about the horrible stories of your fathers?" James grins, "I mean, it takes a murderer to know a murderer."

"Well, why don't we add a third murder to the family, hm?" Mazie looks down at the gun, considering all the possibilities. James could shoot her. James could blow up her home. James could shoot her family members. James could potentially do horrible things of he doesn't die. Unless... Mazie looks up to see a tiny black dot from a neighboring building and points her gun at it, shooting blindly and hear a loud shout of pain.

"Sebastian!" Moriarty shouts.

"What will you do now you're precious little gunman down?" Mazie winks over to her father, who can't help but look proud, "Oh, don't worry. He isn't dead. Yet. Better go now, save you're whatever."

"You will pay for this, Little Miss Holmes." Moriarty seethes before walking away at top speed.

"Mazie Hudson Holmes, you are brilliant!" Will high fives her little sister and Sherlock pulls her into a hug, dropping the food.

"She just shot a man!" John groans, "That's not... never mind." He was being ignored as the family walked back into the flat, chattering about a close call.

"I heard gun shots." Molly gasps, "But Greg told me to stay inside."

"Oh, don't worry." Mazie winks, "I shot someone." The room goes silent, everyone waiting for John to explode or Sherlock to clap or for someone to do something. "Dad already scolded me and Papa called me a genius so you don't have to put your conversations to a holt on my account." Mazie sighs impatiently, "And, Papa dropped out food. I'm positive Speedy's won't take is again, so we'll take a cab to Angelo's."

Parent!lock AU; A Study In TeensWhere stories live. Discover now