The right

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~Johnston, Rhode Island~

Mazie stares at the broken open door. It had taken her days and days to get through the damn thing, but now there was a hole large enough so she could crawl out. She checks the bomb, seeing she has twenty minutes.

"God, I'm starved." She growls, "This fudging plan better work." Mazie starts to wiggle through the hole, making it all the way up to her hips before she wouldn't go anymore. "Oh god." She attempts to go backwards, but her body won't a move. "Oh god oh god oh god." She wiggles, but it's no use.

"Having fun?" A familiar Irish voice goes through Mazie like a frozen bullet.

"Finally come to face me like the god damn asshole you are, huh?" Mazie looks at Moriarty legs, unable to look up.

"Mae, I wouldn't kill you if I didn't have to. I see your potential." Moriarty frowns, "I wanted to see if you would become an enemy or an ally. It's too bad, really."

"So you just came to watch me die?" Mazie pushes as hard as she can, but only ends up in pain.

"I came to say goodbye." Moriarty leans down to her eye level. "Your brothers have been saved, which sucks but what could I do?" Mazie emits a sigh of relief.

"Thank god I can die in peace now. It's too bad. I've never even kissed a real boy." Mazie let's herself go limp, hanging inside the door.

"That is too bad." Moriarty sighs.

"So you're bombing me?" Mazie looks away, "You didn't even take my advice. You should've poisoned the water and then set this... whatever you call it on fire."

"Well." Moriarty attempts to shove Mazie back in the room, "I should've thought of that."

"Good bye, James." Mae sighs closing her eyes.

"Good bye, Mazie." James stands and leaves, "Have a good life."

"Asshole." Mae starts to knee the door, before more footsteps are geard, a bang, and a crash before shouting and arguing.

"Let him go!" Person one shouts.

"But-" person two wants to style, but stops himself, "Let's go, Sherlock." They run down to where Mazie is hanging. Sherlock and John give their daughter a confused look.

"If Knew you were coming," Ella looks down, "I would've waited."

"You're right, we should called." Sherlock rolls his eyes and opens the door, yanking his daughter out of the door with a loud grunt and lifting her into a hug. "I missed you." He mumbles, "It's empty without you.

"We have, like, ten minutes." Mazie pushes away, rubbing her hips, "let's get the hell out of here." Her eyes have dark circles around them and are heavy with disappointment and fear. John hits a worried look toward Sherlock, noticing it's very easy to count the bones is Mazie's hand and she was visibly shaking.

"Mae!" Ham and Will pull her into the car, hugging her tightly. She looks like she could snap in half.

"Oh my." Molly inhales sharply, producing an apple out f her bag and handing it to Mazie, you looks at it with disdain and turns it down. She wasn't hungry anymore. The though of eating made her want to vomit. She felt as if everything would taste like dirt and wood.

"Are you two okay?" Mazie instantly goes to check on her brothers, "God, you two look like death."

"You look pestilence." They retort, but really we're telling the truth. In their eyes, Mazie had been reduced to a stick that worried a lot.

"Boys, are you sure you're okay?" Mazie ignores their witty response, "I'm so sorry... I though that maybe we could each break out and the other wouldn't know therefore couldn't be punished."

"You're smart, Mazie." Sherlock assures her, making her jump. She had been totally oblivious that the car had been moving for five minutes and her parents had entered the car.

"I got myself stuck in a door." Mazie rolls her eyes.

"Mazie, get some sleep." Everyone orders.

"I've been-"

"No." John shook his head, "you have not, you've been worrying about your brothers, planning escape, worrying about us, and forgetting about yourself. Sleep."

"Dad!" Mae protests, wanting to talk to everyone.

"Go to sleep, Maze." Sherlock whispers, his heart heavy at the sight of her. Ham and Will had been bad, too, but there's something about Mazie that just seems... different. Like, she didn't really care. About anything. Sherlock widens his eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks Mazie, everyone had been talking to someone else to leave the two geniuses alone.

"Aren't I always?" Mazie closes her eyes, voice steady and slow, "I'm perfect."

And the problem was, she had convinced herself that she really was fine.

Once to the airport, the family climb out of the car, followed by Molly, who was trying her hardest to get Mazie to eat something.

"Molly, my stomach is the size of a golf ball, I'm really not hungry." Mazie gently takes the apple out of Molly's hands and gave it to Will, you happily eats the whole thing.

"Mae, you really should eat something." John sighs, "You look like a pole."

"Daddy, stop." Mazie groans, "I'm not hungry."

"Leave her alone." Sherlock throws his arm around his daughter and walks ahead of the group. "We need to talk."

"Papa, please." Mazie shakes her head, "I'm-"

"You think you're fine but you're not. You think you'll be fine, but you won't. I'm not letting my daughter end up like me." Sherlock sniffs.

"What's so wrong with being like you?" The two bored the plane and find seats, secluded from the others.

"Sweetie," Sherlocks voice is strained, and his eyes are filled with pain, "I'm not perfect. I'm... I'm a freak."

"Papa, you're the farthest thing from a freak I know. Moriarty is a freak. Sebastian is a freak. You're a genius. You want to save people. You want to figure out what's wrong with them. You're the best."

"No. I'm not." Sherlock growls, "Your father, he's the best. Your brothers, they're the best. You, you're the best-"

"But you're the best of the best!" Mazie cries, "You're what pushes me to know- to be- who I am. You push me to see things! You're the smartest person I know!"

"You're being an idiot." Sherlock sneers, "You're being the biggest most idiotic person in the world."

"Who cares?" Mazie matches his tone, her heart growing cold, "You don't. You just want me to be the sweet, loving daughter to make up for your mistakes of become a cold detached person. Well, guess what, Sherlock, I want to be cold and detached."

"You're only trying to convince yourself that you're okay." Sherlock seethes, "And you're not. You didn't let yourself cry to be strong for your brothers. You didn't let yourself break to prove a point. And now you're trying to prove to yourself that you don't need people to make you feel better."

"I'm trying to tell you that I'm fine and you're not listening, you ass!" Mazie grabs her hair, "You never listen!"

"You have no right-"

"Oh yeah?" Maze stands up and leaves her fathers side, "And you do? You have the right to call me an idiot? You have the right to tell me that I'm not okay? You have the right to say I'm going to grow up to be a freak? Yeah, I have to right to say you don't listen but you have no right to say what I want and how I feel." She storms off into a different side of the plan, distancing herself from everyone. All she wanted was to see her family, and now that she can, she just wants to be alone.

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