Two thirds of the story

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Hamish looks up, raising his eyes. Foot steps.

"Sebastian?" Hamish scar led to the bars, "Hello? James!" The trap door swings open and a sleeps black pair if pants reaches down.

"Ham!" Sherlock gasps, "Stand back." The consulting detective shoots the lock before engulfing his son in a hug. "It took me two bloody days." Sherlock mutters into his sons hair.

"I'm sorry, papa." Hamish squeezed his father, "But we need to get out if here. There's a bomb in there-"

"Yes. Of course." Sherlock let go and took a step back, "You first." The two made their way back to the car, talking about how much they missed everyone.

"I miss Mazie flicking my ear every time I do something stupid." Hamish chokes on tears, "And Will trying his hardest to calm me down."

"Hamish, don't cry." Sherlock clears his throat, always uncomfortable when his children cry. How could he fix them? He didn't know, and he hated not knowing.

"Sorry." Hamish, on the other hand, had been protected so much as a kid that this... he couldn't help but be terrified.

"Do you remember the number on your bomb?" Sherlock changes the subject.

"When I first looked at it, it said 21." Hamish wipes his cheeks.

"Dammit!" Sherlock ran his hand through his hair, "I have three weeks to find everyone and I found the one with the most days first." Sherlock looks over to his son, who's eyes practically scream hurt. "Sorry, Ham." Sherlock sighs, squeezing his sons arm, "I'm just worried."

"Me too, papa, me too."

~Cape Smith, Quebec~

John didn't know why Molly thought of this.

"John, stop looking so puzzled." Molly looks over to him, scowling.

"Cape... Smith? In Canada?" John finally asks, "Why?"

"Because it's right on Hudson Bay, you dimwit." Molly snaps, "Jeez John, I was hoping Sherlock would rub off on you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention in Geography." John rolls his eyes before ducking under a branch and coming I a brick cottage. John raises his eyebrows and pulls the door open, finding a smaller room with another door. Someone on the other side was yelling.

"I'm so goddamn hungry! I eat everything in our flat! You monsters!" Will shouts. John pulls out a grin pal bar and opens it before shooting the lock on the door. "What the hell? Dad!" John is tackled by Will, laughing, "You brought me food!"

"Oh William Holmes, I was so scared." John whispers, clutching his son.

"Have you got the others?" Will let go, shoving the whole granola bar in his mouth.

"We found Ham." Molly squeals, showing the boys her phone, which jut received a text for Sherlock.

"No sign of Mae?" Will slouched, "That's not good."

"There's a bomb in here." John warns.

"Yeah, I have, like, ten days left." Will shuffles out of the room, "You have more of these, right?"

"Molly brought the snacks." John nods, "Wow, you're so emotional. "Thanks, dad, for saving my life" no no, please, continue to eat all our damn food.

"Dad!" Will objects, "I've been kidnapped, tortured, starved, and you decide to be a smartass?"

"Not my fault my son is ungrateful." John smiles, despite the words coming out of his mouth.

"One more to go. We still have a few days." Molly breaks apart the father/son argument, "I'm sure Mazie will be fine."

"Depends how many days she has." John mutters, "Will?"

"It said I had fourteen when I first looked at it. I haven't looked at it since, sorry dad." Will mumbles, wishing he had been the week long. It had I be Mae. She was such a smart ass and repeatedly got herself in trouble with Sebastian and James.

"Damn." John growls, "Molly, I know we decided against splitting up but-"

"I know, I'm on it." Molly sighs before hopping in her car and driving away.

Parent!lock AU; A Study In TeensWhere stories live. Discover now