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It was getting colder as September was coming an end. I put on my scarf and my jacket.

"Everyone ready "

"Yeah " My sisters and I said.

"Almost , hold on "

I had to go back and grab my lip gloss.

We were on our way to a family gathering at grandma Pats house. It was her daughters birthday, Zaki' s aunt. Her house was about a 15 minute walk, but it was a 5 minute drive. We decided to drive be cause of the cool weather, Emma didnt want Maddy to get sick.

When we got there everyone was greeted with huggs and kisses cheeck to cheek. Some were fake, some wern't.

Zaki and I had to do a handshake, didnt want the family being schetchy or anything.

I went upstairs and he followed.

"Brieee, my bruhh "

" sup slick " she said nodding her head.

Zaki came in and hugged me from behind. We rocked back and forth. I was glad that Brie didnt mind us dating at all, she was cool with it. However at time I can sence she felt a little awkward.

" Im gonna head down stairs, get something to drink, ya want? " She asked awkwardly.

" you mean drink or drink drink "

She nodded her head and raised her eyebrow.

"Drink drink "

" Hell yeah bring em on up "

When she left Zaki sat down on the bed.His eyes drew me in to go sit next to him. Those eyes were so controling it was like whitchcraft. Pulling me in with his hipnoses vibes. He kissed me deeply. I felt im inside me, not literally but emotionally. I mean one day well , you know but not today. I love the fact that he never askes, he loves the suspense of it.

He tounged me over and over again. I kissed back with the same amount of force. A warm force called passion. The door creaked and I pulled away quicker than he did. Like he couldnt get enough of me.

" he woah guys, dont get caught now " Brie said walking in with three cups and a mini bottle of strawberry collata vodka.

"Ive got booze people. "

"Ahhh littt " as I said clapping my hands together..

" lets get this party started , shall we " Zaki turned on some music and we had a little gathering of our own.

"look what ive got "

I danged around a bag of pot brownies.

Im not much of a drug user at all but when Im having fun. I bring it out occasionally.

"Ooo, who made em " Brie asked.

My friend did.

We ate them and after thirty ninutes later we were stoned.

After 15 more minutes.

" guyss come down to eat "

We flustered around looking for some eye drops.

"Shit where are they " Brie said banging on the dresser.

"Got em,  " He looked so relieved, holding them up.

" well what are you waiting for, APPLY! "

" Oh right, forgot. "

We all applyed and then went downstairs trying to look as normal as possible. I was sure it was working.

After everyone ate. All the adukts were laughing and carrying on. Some were drunk or tipsy.

I went in the kitchen to get a drink when Zaki snuck up behind me.

"Wanna get outta here " he wispered in my ear.

I tuned around and grabbed his butt.

He took me upstairs and nobody noticed.

It started off with a gaze in his eyes. His eyes staring into mines connected our souls.

He kissed me as we started to lay down. He was on top of me. He took off his shirt so i can feel his chizzled abs on my chest. He tounged me down deeper and longer.

The door opened so quick the eind from it made my body shiver.

"What are you doing, "

Grandma Pat was yelling he face was so red it was about to burst.

Zakis face was flustered , mine was too. We had no idea what to say.

"I KNEW IT ! "

"Downstairs now " she said trying to calm herself.

He put his shirt back on. We went down those steps so slow. I was shaking on the inside, so what he, I could tell.

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