Chapter Eight (8)

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"So, what you gonna do now? You know you can't avoid Sehun." Ask Soojung.

"I don't know. What should I do?" Soojung sigh,

"If you ask me, I would definitely say you have to tell him the truth. What you afraid for? You know Sehun is a responsible man." Said Soojung.

"It just.....I'm afraid this thing would change our relationship"

"It's okay, you still have a time to think. Don't be so pressure. Ah, did you guys wear the protection that night?" question Soojung. Hayoung just shook her head.

"Yah! Then, did you take pills after that?" again, Hayoung face just blank.

"My Goodness Oh Hayoung! I don't know you can be this naïve!" Soojung lose her shit right now. She take out a bottle from her handbag and give it to Hayoung.

"Fortunetly, I always bring this because in case I need it. Take this and swallow." Soojung give Hayoung the pills and a glass of water at the table.

"Why? It's not I can get pregnant once I did it."

"What if at that time, you're in your good condition? It's almost a week and I hope this will work if not, you'll get pregnant in a month"

"You scared me!" said Hayoung

"I'm not trying to" Hayoung just swallowing the pills without saying anything.

A day after, Hayoung already back to their apartment. But only empty house greet her, Sehun is nowhere to be seen. Hayoung assume he is out, but then the sound of door open revealing Sehun with his messy hair.

"You're back" said Sehun weakly. Hayoung don't know how to react so she just smile. Sehun close their gap and hug her tightly.

"I miss you" Hayoung just pat his back.

"Me too," really Hayoung missed him too but she's afraid if Sehun know the truth which she's unaware that Sehun already knew. It just both of them doesn't have any courage to tell the truth and decide to hide the secret. Sehun and Hayoung just lean to each other while watching television. Hayoung is inside Sehun's arms while Sehun rested his chin on Hayoung hairs.

"Youngie, I want to ask something"

"What is it?"

"If one day, I'm no more in your life, will you be sad?" Hayoung who munching on her cookies stop eating and look at Sehun.

"You already promised me that you will stay by my side till forever. Why you said like that?" Hayoung eyes already brims with the tears, since 'that night' is happened, she's become more sensitive and afraid everyone would leave her.

"Hey, don't crying. I just asking. I'll stay by your side, no matter what" Sehun caress her cheeks softly.

No longer after that, Hayoung already sleep soundly. Sehun put her slowly on the bed and tuck the blanket to cover her body. Sehun kiss her forehead.

"If you know, how much I love you and how desperately I want to tell you that I already knew the truth."

(After one month)

Sehun and Hayoung is back to normal and without realise they seems to be more attached than before.

"Sehun-ah, I want that" point Hayoung to the fruits section.

"But we do have fruits in the fridge." Hayoung starts whining

"I want that, I don't want the fruits in the fridge"