Chapter Three (3)

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"Are you sure you are going to the party tonight?" ask Hayoung when Sehun putting his jacket.

"Yeah, of course. Why?"

"Nothing, but can you skip the party for tonight? I feel uneasy." Hayoung wiggles her fingers.

"I already promised my friends, besides it's not first time I'm going to party right? Nothing would happen, trust me" said Sehun while wearing his shoes.

"I'm going, bye" Sehun open the door but Hayoung grab his arm and make him stop.

"You won't change your mind?" Sehun shook his head,

"No, I'm not. Don't worry too much. If you want anything, just call me or you can call Soojung" Sehun kiss her cheeks and Hayoung just eyeing him until he's gone.


"Sehun, here." Sehun eyes focus on the person who calling him. Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongin already sit and drink, for sure they waiting for him.

"Why are you late? The party already started half an hour ago." asked Chanyeol.

"Let me guess, Hayoung?" Sehun nods,

"I don't know why, but tonight Hayoung seems don't let me go. So weird, usually she doesn't even care about it"

"Maybe because it's first time you went to party and she left alone. Before, you guys are living with your parents" Jongin add,

"Who knows?" Sehun shrugged.


Hayoung couldn't sleep and keep moving on her bed. It's already 2 am but still there is no sign Sehun is back. Suddenly, she fell urge to go check out him out of curiosity. But then, she remember she doesn't know where Sehun go. Hayoung pick her phone and text Soojung.

'Soojung-ah, I'm so sorry for disturbing you. But do you know the place they went to the party?'

'It's okay, I'm still working out for my project. It's a famous club in Itaewon, I'll text you the location'

'Alright, thank you'

'No biggie'

The things Hayoung like about Soojung is she don't even bother to ask what people business unless they tell her by themselves and it's makes Hayoung felt comfortable with her because she don't have to create any excuses. Hayoung feel hesitate when she already in front of the club but then she already there. Hayoung take a deep breath before she enter the club. As soon she step in, she knew she will regret because the smell of cigarettes and alcohol make her want to throw up.

'Sehun-ah' Hayoung face brighten up when she saw a familiar figure but then her eyes become widen when she saw Sehun is kissing with another woman in front of her eyes. Hayoung close her mouth as she felt so shocked and without any delay she step out from the club.

'Why?' the question is not for Sehun but for herself because why she is crying when she saw her best friend kissing another woman? It's normal right to do that? Besides, it's not the first time Sehun went to the party but why her heart feel so hurt inside? Hayoung pick up her phone from the pocket and text Soojung again.

'Don't tell anyone I'm looking for him.'

'Even I'm curious, but okay because I don't want to mingle in other people business. Hayoung-ah, you know I'm always here for you' Hayoung tears rolling fast in her cheeks. Even though she didn't tell anything to Soojung but it seems like she already knew something is not right.