Chapter 7

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"Hey ass wipe!" I turn and see a tall blonde with pink highlights. Her outfit is very punk rock but still cute. She looks straight out of a magazine.

"Did you forget I was home?" She says. She then grabs car keys from the kitchen counter.

"We were just studying." Nick says. She looks at me up and down, with a concerned look.

"I'm Maeve by the way. Nick's sister." She says. I turn to Nick and he's got his head down. He looks utterly embarrassed by the situation.

"Anyways, I'll be leaving now. Continue studying." She says.


I walk into chemistry class and sit next to Nick.

"Hey!" I say. I take out my notebook and begin writing the notes on the board. He says nothing back. I turn and look at his face and he looks pissed.

"You okay?" I ask.

"No I'm not okay. The girl I like completely rejected me yesterday." I look at him and remember the entire situation from yesterday.

"Look I get you're hurt but at least I was honest with you. I didn't want to play with your feelings. I'm not one of those girls. I just don't like you in that way." I say.

"Yeah cause everyone knows you like Harry and that he likes you. I don't think that will end well." I look at him and scowl.

"You don't know anything. So just shut up and stop acting stupid before you say something hurtful." I say. He looks pissed but I don't care. I get that he was upset but at least I let him down gently. At least I didn't play with his heart.

Before I knew it, the bell rings and first period is over. I grab my things and I'm the first one out the door. I walked to my locker and see Prudence right in front of it. I smile.

"It's good to see you." I say. I reach over and give her a hug.

"It's good to see you too. Listen, there's a party tonight at my friends house. It's just gonna be a few of us. We'll probably just smoke some weed and drink. You down?" She asks.

"Sounds fun. Text me the address and I'll be there." I say. Prudence smiles and walks away back to her locker. I feel like sometimes she's the only sane person here.

"Hey." I here a voice and I turn around. It's the girl form yesterday at Nick's.

"You're Lily right?" She asks.

"Who wants to know?" I say in a jokingly manner. She looks at me up and down and gets closer to my face.

"Look I don't want to get into it, but just stay away from my brother. He has a lot going on and doesn't need another bad girl to lead him astray. He really likes you and I know you don't feel the same way. So stay away from him so that way he doesn't get hurt."

Another girl leading him astray? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"I'm not leading him astray. We were literally studying and I'm not trying to hurt him. So don't come up to me and talk to me about something that has nothing to do with you" I yell. I walk away and turn the corner.

"Trouble in paradise?" God not another bitch.

"So you had you're first confrontation with Maeve. A lot of the girls at school don't like her. Including myself. But who could blame them I mean she's a dyke." She says. I see the tall blonde with the bitch smile. Dove. I roll my eyes and walk away. I don't wanna deal with her shit today. I proceed and walk to my second period. What the hell is going on today?


School was finally over and I was home. I finished all of my homework, and picked out my outfit for tonight. I was in the bathroom trying to find my makeup kit. After what felt like an eternity of trying to look for it, I finally gave up. I then looked at the time.

"It's 6:00, I should take a shower." I say to myself. I turn on the water and hop in. I close my eyes as the water beams down my face.


He dragged him out of the front door and threw him on the grass. Everyone ran out of the house in a sudden panic. He was hitting him. Every punch got harder and harder. Mom kept yelling and crying. We tried stopping him, but he was to strong.

Daniels face was bloody. And Dad kept hitting him. My little brother Blake was right beside me crying. I looked up and saw the boy Daniel had over. They were friends. The boy was crying too.

"You faggot! How dare you do this in my home!" My dad screamed. I cried harder. Daniel was caught with him. They were being intimate.

The hitting finally stopped, and my dad fell on the floor from exhaustion. I ran to Daniel. His face was covered in blood. He was crying. The boy that was with him, had ran away.

"Why would you do that?!" My mom yelled. She immediately went to my dads aid but was screaming at him.

Daniel looked at me. We both had tears in our eyes. I loved my brother. He was everything to me. And to see him like this devastated him. My dad got up from the grass and went back inside. My mom stood their crying. Why would she stay with him? Even after what Dad did to Daniel. He was a monster. I hated him.

I wanted to hurt Dad. Like he hurt Daniel. Like he hurt all of us.


"Lily!" My mom yelled. I opened my eyes and turned off the shower water.

"Dinner is ready. Whenever you're done taking a shower, come down and eat." She says.

"Alright." I say.

I turn back on the shower water, and begin to wash myself. Tonight was going to be interesting


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