"Bella Luna"

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It was the night before I started freshman year of high school, my mom and I sat at different ends of the dining table

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It was the night before I started freshman year of high school, my mom and I sat at different ends of the dining table. We were eating the leftovers from last night. My left eye bandage started bothering me so I took it off and kept it shut. My mom finally decided to speak, " So are you ready for your first day of high school Luna?" I shrugged my shoulders, I said to myself " No one is ever ready to go back duh." Mom continued eating her leftovers, I got up and put my plate in the sink...I lost my appetite.  I headed up stairs and could hear mom saying goodnight, I continued walking up the stairs and to my room. I finally took a deep breath and threw myself onto my bed. I folded my hands on top of my stomach and stared at the freshly painted ceiling till I could finally see my eyelids.    

Next Morning : First Day Of High School 

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Next Morning : First Day Of High School 

I could hear my alarm alarm clock ringing, so I woke up and threw it across my room and went back to sleep. I was already ten minutes late for school. I quickly put on my uniform sat in front of my mirror and put on my eye bandage and booked it to the front door. My mom has been waiting in the car for 10 minutes. " Come on Luna, what the hell was taking you so long." I said nothing and turned on the radio. My mom turned it off. " What has gotten into you Luna? " I looked at her with a blank face " Nothing" I said. From then the whole car ride was in silence. We finally got to my school I was already getting stared at. I closed the car door before my mom could say anything and I started walking to my worst nightmare. I walked in with my head down and continued walking were everyone was walking to, the guidance office. The teachers there were giving out schedules for the year so I stood in line. 

"Name Please?"

"Bella Luna" 

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