Chapter One

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"I just can't believe it's real," Peter said as you walked down the halls, "I mean everyone's told things by the time we're in sixth grade but I just didn't think it was that serious. I mean in a few months we might know, you know. It's just...I can't believe it's real." He kept on rambling until you were sat in the canteen. He knew he was talking at you rather than with you but he knew if you didn't want to tell him something he wouldn't be able to get it out of you. You just sat and kept your head down as you heard Ned sit down opposite Peter, they talked about what they had just both learn't in different classes.

You, Ned and Peter were now all seventeen. And just like when you were eleven the government got the school to show you a video on information you were now deemed old enough to know. Except this time it wasn't on sex education but on Classifications.

You were all told you had to watch a video in health class, you just all kind of assumed it would be on something you kind of already knew, like more stuff on STD's. But when Captain America said "So your body's changing, believe me I know how that feels", non of you expected you health teacher to start talking about something called classifications.

There were three main groups: Alphas and Betas, Neutrals and Caregivers and Littles. Someone in you class joked that there were people who always had sex, people who sometimes had sex and people who never had sex. The teacher just scolded them and explain that it was much more than that. You just decided to zone out at this point. You roughly remembered something about her saying that it was biological but very random; it wasn't passed down through genes. If you weren't a Neutral then you would have to be paired by the time you were twenty or the government took care of it for you and that in a few weeks everyone would be classified by the state. Apparently the lines were a little blurry as to what you were as well. It was done as a point system out of ninety, a person scores a certain number of points for how they answer questions. One to thirty meant you were an Alpha or Beta, thirty to sixty meant you were a neutral and sixty to ninety meant you were a Caregiver or Little. Five points either side meant you could have tendencies to act like another Classification, like a fifty-seven would be a neutral with caregiver tendencies or a twenty-nine would be a Alpha or Beta with neutral tenancies. More sub-tests would be given to find out if you were dominant or submissive in your Classification, even though it was usually obvious at this point.

The reason the government wait until you were almost eighteen was because symptoms would start showing of they already hadn't yet, the higher or lower the score the sooner the the symptoms would show. "I heard that the earlier symptoms show for a little, the younger they are", you had heard a girl whisper in your class. Of course, there's always one person who knows more than everyone in every class isn't there?

"y/n are you even listening?" You heard Ned say, you looked up and scowled. "What?" You asked sourly, he was taken back a bit, you were usually so sweet. "Nothing," he said quieter. You put your headphones in and looked back down at your hands again, now you felt bad. Ned hadn't done anything and yet you were mean to him. You had to hold your eyes open to stop tears forming.

Ned looked at Peter then nodded at you, Peter just shrugged. They both knew something was wrong but you wouldn't tell them anything. They both sighed and returned to their conversation. "No way dude, you are defiantly not an Alpha!" Peter said, "No dude I swear, I can feel it!" Ned replied, even though he knew Peter wasn't really listening, he was to busy looking at you every five seconds and then at your tray still full of food. "Well it doesn't really matter if I don't know what I am," Ned said, "Oh yeah why's that?" Peter replied, still not looking at him. "Because I know what you are," he stated, "Uh hu." Peter mumbled, still not changing his focus from either you or your food, "You a Caregiver." That was enough to make his head snap up, he blushed furiously. "Am not!" He cried a little too loudly, it was enough to make the girls at the other end of the long table look at them funny, he spared them a shy glance before looking back at Ned. "Am not," he said quieter this time, Ned raised his eyebrow, "What? I'm not." He defended, "Oh come on! You so are." Ned replied, "Give me one reason why I'm a Caregiver?" Peter asked cockily, "Well I haven't looked under the table but I guarantee your holding hands with y/n because you think somethings wrong." Ned replied quicker than Peter was expecting, he quickly let go of your hand that he didn't even realise he was holding, the sudden loss of contact was enough to make you whimper. The two boys looked at you surprised, you stared them for a moment before running off to the safe refuge of the bathroom.

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