Chapter Three

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"So what do we do now?" Peter asked. Mr Lock left an hour ago, it took a while for you to get comfortable but after a while you were calm enough to go play with Tony while Peter was a few feet away on the couch with Steve and Bruce. The two men looked at each other and back at Peter, "I think it's up to you guys." Peter looked at Bruce confused when Steve piped up, "I know certain rules don't apply in special cases like this but at the same time the basics do. She still has to be little ninety-six hours a week but I don't know how it works around school." "That shouldn't be a problem, we both got enough credits to graduate last year." Peter said turning his head and smiling at you, you blushed and smiled behind your dummy. "But what about her stuff and living situation?" "Well like you said she doesn't have one, I know Mr Lock got a parental from both families signature because your both technically still minors so it's not like it's a big secret." "I still don't want people at school to know, for her sake rather than mine." Bruce nodded, "That's another thing, as well as buying little stuff, you're gonna need to get her some more pants and or skirts. Now that she's gone down into headspace once her control is just gonna get worse, and diapers won't fit over normal clothes." Peter groaned. "She won't like that; half her wardrobe consists of leggings." The other men chuckled, "Unca Steve, pway." Tony said through his pacifier, Steve got up, "You guys want me to play?" You nodded and held a block out for him, he smiled and sat in between you two.

Peter had to stop himself from being sad. He wasn't asked to play, you barely knew Steve and you've been best friends since you were five, not to mention he was now your Daddy.

Peter's train of mean thoughts was broken when he heard Bruce laughing. "What?" Bruce smiled, "Tony did the exact same thing when I first became his caregiver. I took care of him solid for about a two weeks And we spent every second together near enough, but as soon as the papers were signed he would call for you and Steve when something was wrong, it took another week for him to get fully comfortable but since then...well you've seen us." It was true, Peter remembered that week, it was nice to be able to take care of someone and he would be lying if he said he missed it when Tony and Bruce went back to normal. He envied the way Tony looked at Bruce, and the way Tony looked down at him. He desperately wanted that.

And soon Peter would have it.

"Honestly, just give her time. Plus I have a feeling she won't let us change her or rock her, she wouldn't let Steve touch her earlier-" Bruce was cut off by squealing, Peter and him turned their heads and saw Steve tickling both you and Tony on the stomach. "Although people can change," Bruce said chuckling, Peter started to laugh too. You were giggling, actually giggling, and it was the most beautiful and adorable sound Peter had ever heard.

A couple hours went by and soon it was time for dinner so Bruce went out to get pizza. It was a special day after all. Steve was still playing with you and Tony, Peter wanted to feel helpful so he started to get plates and sippy cups out. He had just pulled everything out when he heard commotion from the next door room, he stood in the doorway and listened for a moment, "Don't you wanna pl-" "No!" "But you like tr-" "No!" Steve seemed to be trying to entice you into games but for some reason you weren't co-operating, this was the first time all day you had turned down playtime.

Peter took a step into the room, he saw you curled in on yourself at the other end of the room, legs pulled up to your chest as you sat against the wall. Steve was sat a few feet away, Tony was sat next to the train set they got out half an hour ago, he watched on as Steve kept trying to talk you into a game. "Hey Bubba Bear, what's happened?"Peter asked crouching down in front of the other little, Tony shrugged, "She twew down de twain an' cwaled away." He said through his paci, Peter furrowed his brow and looked over to you. He got up and walked over next to Steve, "Sweetheart what's wrong?" Peter asked gently, you quickly brought you face out of you arms, looked at him and hid yourself again. Steve got up, "What do you think's wrong?" Peter asked, Steve sighed, "I think she's wet. I noticed her fidgeting for a bit and then she suddenly stopped, ten minuets later she crawled over there." "It took her ten minuets to realise?" Peter asked slightly shocked, Steve nodded, "Yeah. Diapers were defiantly the right way to go," he chuckled. Peter gave a slight smile and nodded, "Do you want me to take care of it?" He asked, "No," Peter said, "It's alright, I got it. I doubt she'd let you do it anyway." Steve laughed again, "Yeah, you're probably right."

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